This is the application on T1000-E Development Board.
1.Install SEGGER Embedded Studio IDE
2.Download the latest nRF SDK: nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560
3.Update the NEW BOOTLOADER to board
1.Download the application code
2.Copy to the path: .../nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560/examples/ble_peripheral/
3.Open example project and bulid
4.Convert the HEX file to UF2 file
5.Enter the DFU mode, drop UF2 file to USB disk
00_blinky - Led flash
01_button - Print button event
02_buzzer - Loop play sound
03_sensor - Print temp/lux/battery value
04_accelerometer - Print ax/ay/az/event value
05_gnss - Print latitude/longitude value
06_lorawan - Join through OTAA, send test data to LNS
07_lorawan_sensor - Join through OTAA, read temp/lux/bat/ax/ay/az, send data to LNS
08_lorawan_gnss - Join through OTAA, scan lat/lon, send data to LNS
09_lorawan_wifi - Join through OTAA, scan WiFi MAC, send data to LNS
10_lorawan_beacon - Join through OTAA, scan Beacon MAC, send data to LNS
11_lorawan_tracker - Join through OTAA, scan GNSS/Wifi/Beacon, send data to LNS, config parameter through SenseCAP APP