Collection of scripts for processing and parsing necessary BOLD-downloaded sample metadata, and generating input files for downstream processes (e.g. (uploading trimmed reads to ENA, input into skim2mito and MGE, and requesting taxid creation from ENA)).
- Written by Ben Price and Dan Parsons @ NHMUK.
- For help, see usage information and docstrings within each script.
- Requires sample_processing conda environment to be activated. Environment with all necessary dependencies can be created from sample_processing.yaml file in this repo.
- Merges TSV files from multiple zipped folders downloaded from BOLD.
usage: python <output_dir> <zip_files_dir>
output_dir: Directory where combined .tsv files will be stored.
- `zip_files_dir: Directory containing the zipped files to be merged.
- Recommended directory structure:
├── collection_data.tsv
├── lab.tsv
├── merged_custom_fields.tsv
├── specimen_details.tsv
├── tags.tsv
├── taxonomy.tsv
├── voucher.tsv
│ ├── collection_data.tsv
│ ├── lab.tsv
│ ├── merged_custom_fields.tsv
│ ├── specimen_details.tsv
│ ├── tags.tsv
│ ├── taxonomy.tsv
│ └── voucher.tsv
├── collection_data.tsv
├── lab.tsv
├── merged_custom_fields.tsv
├── specimen_details.tsv
├── tags.tsv
├── taxonomy.tsv
└── voucher.tsv
- Downloads the newst NCBI taxonomy (i.e. new_taxdump).
- If the taxdump was previously downloaded to the same directory, the script will replace that taxdump with the newst version. The tar.gz download will also be removed post-extraction.
usage: srun <output_file> <extract_dir>
output_file = Name of NCBI taxdump (e.g. <date>_taxdump.tar.gz)
extract_dir = Directory to output taxdump files to (e.g. <date>_taxdump). If given a relative or absolute path, new directories will be created.
- Merges relevant sample metadata from BOLD .tsv files, and resolves the taxonomic ID using the hierarchical structure and checks for mismatches between BOLD and NCBI taxonomy. Outputs sample_metadata.csv containing fields below:
- Sample ID
- Process ID
- BOLD taxonomic ranks (phylum->species)
- taxid
- matched_rank (taxonimic rank the taxid corresponds to)
- lineage (full NCBI lineage for taxid)
- lineage_mismatch (did the major BOLD taxonomic ranks match the fetched NCBI lineage)
- BOLD sample metadata (Identifier (identified_by), Collection Date (collection_date), Geographic Location (Country/Ocean) (geographic_location), Exact Site (geographic_location_locality), Latitude (latitude), Longitude (longitude), Collected By (collected_by), Habitat (habitat), Tissue Descriptor (organism_part), Sex (sex), Life stage (lifestage), Museum ID (specimen_voucher), Institution Storing (collecting_institution), Type Status (type_status).
usage: python <input_dir> <rankedlineage_path> <output_dir>
input_dir = Directory containing BOLD-downloaded sample metadata (.tsv files).
rankedlineage_path = Path to NCBI taxonomic hierarchy/lineage (<date>_taxdump/rankedlineage.dmp file).
output = Directory to output sample_metadata.csv to. Provide name of output .csv file
If metadata was not collected for a particular sample, 'not collected' output to field as required by ToL ENA sample registration checklist.
Example samples_metadata.csv
Sample ID | Process ID | Phylum | Class | Order | Family | Subfamily | Genus | Species | taxid | matched_rank | specimen_voucher | lifestage | collection_date | geographic_location | geographic_location_locality | latitude | longitude | collected_by | habitat | identified_by | collecting_institution | organism_part | sex | type_status |
BGE_0001_A01 | BSNHM001-24 | Arthropoda | Insecta | Trichoptera | Apataniidae | Apataniinae | Apatania | Apatania stylata | 177658 | genus | 'Museum ID' | adult | YYYY-MM-DD | France | not collected | lat (DD) | lon (DD) | 'Collectors' | not collected | not collected | NHMMUK | Whole | M | type |
BGE_0001_A02 | BSNHM002-24 | Arthropoda | Insecta | Trichoptera | Glossosomatidae | Agapetinae | Agapetus | Agapetus iridipennis | 177627 | genus | 'Museum ID' | adult | YYYY-MM-DD | Switzerland | not collected | lat (DD) | lon (DD) | 'Collectors' | not collected | not collected | Naturalis | not collected | F | Paratype |
BGE_0001_A03 | BSNHM003-24 | Arthropoda | Insecta | Trichoptera | Glossosomatidae | Hydropsychidae | Diplectrona | Diplectrona meridionalis | 177860 | genus | 'Museum ID' | adult | YYYY-MM-DD | France | not collected | lat (DD) | lon (DD) | 'Collectors' | not collected | not collected | NHMMUK | Leg | M | no |
- This can also be run using the script in this repo to run it on a slurm cluster. This will greatly speed up creation of the sample_metadata.csv output file.
Script to generate samples.csv requried to run MGE and skim2mito piplines. Script also screen BGE project samples using the 27 BGE project codes.
usage: python [path/to/raw/read/dir] [path/to/samples_metadata.csv]
path/to/raw/read/dir: Path to parent directory with 'flat' or 'nested' structure (see below/docstring for more example) containing raw PE read files.
: Directory containing sample_metadata.csv file.`- outputs three CSV files containing ID (Process ID), forward (absolute path to R1 read (fastq.gz), reverse (absolute path to R2 read (fastq.gz) and taxid to current directory. samples_[parent_dir_name]_types.csv also contains type_status field, for reference.
- samples_[parent_dir_name].csv = contains all samples containing BGE project codes in their Process ID's.
- samples_[parent_dir_name]_nonproject.csv = contains all samples not containing BGE project codes.
- samples_[parent_dir_name]_types.csv = contains all samples (project or non-project) that have 'type' in Type Status field.
Example Directory Structures Supported (where BSNHM593-24 is the process ID):
1. Flat structure:
├── BSNHM593-24_R1.fq
├── BSNHM593-24_R2.fq
└── ...
2. Nested structure:
└── 20240906_LH00179_0123_A22CKGHLT4/
├── Sample_XE-4013-BSNHM593-24/
│ ├── BSNHM593-24_R1.fastq.gz
│ └── BSNHM593-24_R2.fastq.gz
└── ...