Submission of multi-fasta file containing cox1 sequences to BOLDigger2 via slurm HPC.
Usage: sbatch [path/to/cox1.fasta] [username] [password] [path/to/output_dir]
- path/to/cox1.fasta = path to directory with multi-fasta file containing cox1 sequences to query against BOLD DB (.fasta must have 'cox1' in filename).
- username = BOLD username
- password = BOLD password
- path/to/output_dir = path to directory to output BOLDigger2 results. Will create output_dir if it does not already exist.
Integrated into (must be in same directory as Prepares multi-fasta file containing cox1 sequences by cleaning sequence headers, removing headers if no sequence is present, removing leading and trailing invalid characters (e.g. '-' and '~'), converting 'internal' invalid characters to 'Ns', and removing sequences <80bp. Script will append 'cleaned_' to start of input cox1.fasta file, which will be used for submission to BOLDigger2.