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Scaledrone Java/Android WebSocket client

Use the Scaledrone Java client to connect to the Scaledrone realtime messaging service

This project goes hand to hand with Scaledrone documentation. It's still a work in progress, pull requests and issues are very welcome.



The library is hosted on the Jcenter repository, so you need to ensure that the repo is referenced also; IDEs will typically include this by default:

repositories {




compile 'com.scaledrone:scaledrone-java:0.7.0'


If you are using this library on Android make sure you add the INTERNET permission to the manifest file.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Getting started

Basic example

final Scaledrone drone = new Scaledrone("CHANNEL_ID_FROM_DASHBOARD");
drone.connect(new Listener() {
    public void onOpen() {
        drone.subscribe("myroom", new RoomListener() {
            public void onOpen(Room room) {
                room.publish("Hello world");

            public void onOpenFailure(Room room, Exception ex) {
                // This can happen when you don't have correct permissions
                System.out.println("Failed to subscribe to room: " + ex.getMessage());

            public void onMessage(Room room, Message message) {
                System.out.println("Message: " + message.getData().asText());

    public void onOpenFailure(Exception ex) {
        System.out.println("Failed to open connection: " + ex.getMessage());

    public void onFailure(Exception ex) {
        System.out.println("Unexcpected failure: " + ex.getMessage());

    public void onClosed(String reason) {
        System.out.println("Connection closed: " + reason);


Connecting to a new channel is done by creating a new instance of Scaledrone and calling the connect() method. To create your own channel_id create a Scaledrone account and a new channel from Scaledrone dashboard.

final Scaledrone drone = new Scaledrone("channel_id");
drone.connect(new Listener() {
    // overwrite the Listener methods

Subscribing to messages

Subscribing to messages is done by subscribing to a room. Rooms are used to group users into groups, to which we can then publish messages. You can subscribe to multiple rooms.

A received message is of type JsonNode. Jackson JsonNode can easily be transferred into POJO or String.

drone.subscribe("myroom", new RoomListener() {
    public void onMessage(Room room, Message message) {
        // parse as string
        System.out.println("Message: " + message.getData().asText());

        // or parse as POJO
        try {
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            Pojo pojo = mapper.treeToValue(message.getData(), Pojo.class);
            System.out.println("Message: " + pojo);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
    // overwrite other methods

Publishing messages

A published message will be converted to JSON using Jackson. You don't have to be subscribed to a room when publishing to it.

drone.publish("roomName", data);
// or


Using authentication is optional, it can be enabled from the channel settings page. Scaledrone uses JSON Web Token for authentication.

A typical authentication flow happens after connecting to a channel. At that point the user would send the drone.getClientID() to your personal authentication server which returns a JSON Web Token. The token is then passed on to Scaledrone.

Use the debugger to help you debug your JWT tokens.

final Scaledrone drone = new Scaledrone("channel_id");
drone.connect(new Listener() {
    public void onOpen() {
        final String jwt = requestJWTFromYourAuthServer(drone.getClientID());
        drone.authenticate(jwt, new AuthenticationListener() {
            public void onAuthentication() {
                // user is now connected to the channel

            public void onAuthenticationFailure(Exception ex) {
                // something went wront, probably a problem with the JWT
    // overwrite methods

See the Scaledrone JWT authentication docs on what the token should look like. See the authentication tests to see how to generate a JWT on the server side.

Observable rooms

Observable rooms act like regular rooms but provide additional events for keeping track of connected members. Observable room names need to be prefixed with observable-.

final Scaledrone drone = new Scaledrone("channel_id", data);
drone.connect(new Listener() {
    public void onOpen() {
        Room room = drone.subscribe("observable-myroom", new RoomListener() {
            // Overwrite regular room listener methods
        room.listenToObservableEvents(listener, new ObservableRoomListener() {
            public void onMembers(Room room, ArrayList<Member> members) {
                // Emits an array of members that have joined the room. This event is only triggered once, right after the user has successfully connected to the observable room.
                // Keep in mind that the session user will also be part of this array, so the minimum size of the array is 1

                Member member = members.get(0);
                ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
                try {
                    Data d = mapper.treeToValue(member.getClientData(), Data.class);
                } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {


            public void onMemberJoin(Room room, Member member) {
                // A new member joined the room.

            public void onMemberLeave(Room room, Member member) {
                // A member left the room (or disconnected)

Message history

When creating a Scaledrone room you can supply the number of messages to recieve from that room's history. The messages will arrive, in reverse chronological order and one by one, in scaledroneRoomDidReceiveMessage, just like real-time messages.

Pass the SubscribeOptions as the second parameter to the subscribe method to define how many messages you would like to receive.

You can then listen to the history messages using room.listenToHistoryEvents().

In order to recieve message history messages, this feature needs to be enabled in the Scaledrone dashboard. You can learn more about Message History and its limitations in Scaledrone docs.

Room room = drone.subscribe(roomName, new RoomListener() {
    // implement the default RoomListener methods here
}, new SubscribeOptions(50)); // ask for 50 messages from the history

room.listenToHistoryEvents(new HistoryRoomListener() {
    public void onHistoryMessage(Room room, Message message) {
        System.out.println('Received a message from the past ' + message.getData().asText());

Checking if the messages was sent by the user itself

// inside a room listener
public void onMessage(Room room, Message message) {
    if (message.getClientID() == scaledrone.getClientID()) {
        // message is sent by session user


The currect version of the Java library doesn't reconnect automatically after a possible disconnect. This feature will be added in the future. To handle reconnection you can listen to the onFailure event.

public void onFailure(Exception ex) {

private void tryReconnecting(final int reconnectAttempt) {
    Timer timer = new Timer();
    timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
        public void run() {
            final Scaledrone drone = new Scaledrone("channel-id");
            drone.connect(new Listener() {
                public void onFailure(Exception ex) {
                    tryReconnecting(reconnectAttempt + 1);
            // set everything up again..
    }, reconnectAttempt * 1000);


PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

This likely means that your Java doesn't support Let's Encrypt Certificates. Upgrade Java7 to 7u111 or newer or Java 8 to 8u101 or newer. Read more..

Publishing a new version to JCenter

  • Update the version 1.2.3 in build.gradle
  • Run ./gradlew java:assembleRelease to generate the new release files
  • Go to and create a new version
  • Click "Upload Files"
  • Type in com/scaledrone/scaledrone-java/1.2.3 into "Target Repository Path" ensuring the correct version is included.
  • Upload all the files from java/build/release/1.2.3/com/scaledrone/scaledrone-java/1.2.3
  • You will see a notice "You have 8 unpublished item(s) for this version", click "Publish". It might take a few minutes
  • Update the README with the correct version


  • 0.7.0 - Fixed parsing 'id' field from JSON message.
  • 0.6.0 - Added message history features. Created a Message class that wraps the sent data, member as well as new properties such as message ID, timestamp and clientID.
  • 0.5.0 - Add up close() method.
  • 0.4.0 - Hook up onFailure listener. This can be used for reconnecting.
  • 0.3.0 - Add member parameter to onMessage listener method.


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