Sapphire Suite's C++ Logger.
Links to the official documentation and wiki for advanced details.
#include <SA/Collections/Debug>
See Initialization for advanced implementation.
No initialization is required to have simple console logging, however, a one-line initialization will provide advanced console (colors) and file logging.
// No initialization
// OR
// Single-thread (thread-unsafe) logger.
// Console Color and file logging.
See Macros for advanced implementation.
Log anything converted as a string with default LogLevel, channel, and details.
See SA_LOG for examples and advanced use.
SA_LOG(_str, _level = Normal, _channel = Default, _details = "");
SA_LOG("Hello, World!");
[18:44:14][0] {Normal - Default} main.cpp:50 - int main()
Msg: Hello, World!
Log a warning on false predicate with default channel and details.
See SA_WARN for examples and advanced use.
SA_WARN(_pred, _channel = Default, _details = "", _postCmd);
int myInt = 2;
SA_WARN(myInt == 1, MyChannel, "myInt invalid: might cause issues");
[18:46:20][0] {Warning - MyChannel} main.cpp:53 - int main()
Msg: { myInt == 1 } evaluated to false!
Dets: myInt invalid: might cause issues
Log an error on false predicate with default channel and details.
See SA_ERROR for examples and advanced use.
SA_ERROR(_pred, _channel = Default, _details = "", _postCmd);
int myInt = 2;
SA_ERROR(myInt == 1, MyChannel, "myInt invalid: possible crash");
[18:47:25][0] {Error - MyChannel} main.cpp:53 - int main()
Msg: { myInt == 1 } evaluated to false!
Dets: myInt invalid: possible crash
Assert an exception built from type and parameters with default channel and details.
See SA_ASSERT for examples and advanced use.
SA_ASSERT((_excType, params...), _channel = Default, _details = "")
int myIndex = 7;
int minBound = 2;
int maxBound = 6;
// Throw SA::Exception_OutOfRange.
SA_ASSERT((OutOfRange, myIndex, minBound, maxBound), MyTestChannel, "Access index out of bound!")
[18:49:22][0] {AssertFailure - MyTestChannel} main.cpp:53 - int main()
Msg: Index 'myIndex' [7] is out of range ['minBound';'maxBound'] => [2;6]
Dets: Access index out of bound!
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'SA::Exception_OutOfRange'
Throw an exception built from type and parameters with default channel and details.
See SA_ASSERT for examples and advanced use.
SA_THROW((_excType, params...), _channel = Default, _details = "")
// Throw SA::Exception_ReachBadAPI.
SA_THROW((ReachBadAPI, Vulkan), Renderer.Vulkan, "Vulkan API reach with invalid object.")
[18:49:22][0] {AssertFailure - Renderer.Vulkan} main.cpp:53 - int main()
Msg: Reach bad [Vulkan] API call!
Dets: Vulkan API reach with invalid object.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'SA::Exception_ReachBadAPI'
The SA_ASSERT and SA_THROW macros use their own exception system. See exceptions for a list of all exceptions, how to use them, and how to extend the system (custom exception type).
Maxime "mrouffet" ROUFFET - main developer ([email protected])