Sandra.Templating, is yet another templating engine, because we always need more.
This is meant to be a dead-simple-basic functionality templating engine that can be used for Email Templates, by providing only the bare minimum necessary to populate data into a template.
This isn't meant to be super fast, compile, or support complex scenarios.
Pull requests are welcome. :)
var template = @"
Hello [=name]
[if fruit]
I like [=fruit]
[end if]
Shop Name: [=shop.Name]
Location: [=shop.Location]
var data = new Dictionary<string, object>
["name"] = "World",
["fruit"] = "Bananas",
["shop"] = new Shop
Name = "Fruit Shop",
Location = "Singapore"
var engine = new TemplateEngine();
var result = engine.Render(template, data);
- For Each (nested supported)
- If (nested supported)
- IIf (ternary rendering based on a condition)
- Render
- string
- numbers (byte, short, int, long)
- DateTime
Supports basic formatting.
// Data
private readonly IDictionary<string, object> data = new()
["FormattedDate"] = DateTime.Parse("2020-03-08 13:45:03.534")
// Template
[=FormattedDate:d MMM yyyy \a\t HH:mmtt]
// Output
8 Mar 2020 at 13:45pm
Using the following in a template
[iif variable = banana ? "A fruit is I" : "I is not a fruit :("]
var data = new Dictionary<string, object>
["variable"] = "banana"
Would render:
A fruit is I
- .NET 4.5.2
- .NET Core 2.2
- .NET Core 3.1