This application uses Java and Spring boot framework to publish the rest endpoint used in intra bank payment transfer system.
While creating the rest endpoint few assumption were made. Below are the list of all the assumption made
- Currency for every account default to
If require we can implement the Utility class or an api which can do the currency conversion and also add the coversion charges based on that, amount can be deducted while transfering the fund
- When closing the account, user is only able to close the account if the account is not holding any balance.
- While creating a new account, account-id need to passed by the user.
When doing the actaul implement this can be generated based the account number generator
- When the account is deleted, user is only able to see his/her account details. He is not able to check the balance, mini-statements or transfer and receive the funds.
- Build the application using
mvn clean install
- Run the application using
mvn spring-boot:run or Run PaymentTransferSystemApplication Java file
When the application starts it can be accessible on port no 8080
To test the above endpoints you can either use any tool like Postman
or you can access Swagger
on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
Application publish following endpoint:
- To get the account balance
GET http://localhost:8080/accounts/{accountId}/balance
- To get the mini statement (only provides last 20 transaction)
GET http://localhost:800/accounts/{accountId}/statement/mini
- To Transfer funds from one account to another account
POST http://localhost:8080/transfer-fund
- To Create the new user account
POST http://localhost:8080/account/new
- To Close the user account
POST http://localhost:8080/account/{accountId}/close
- To get the user account details
GET http://localhost:8080/account/{accountId}