This project is a demo on how to write, compile, export, and run a spark word count job via spark scala with a docker container. In this version of WordCount, the goal is to learn the distribution of letters in the most popular words in a file.
Install docker
On linux:
$ cd spark-scala-word-count
STEP 2) docker build
$ docker build . -t spark_env
STEP 3) ONE COMMAND : run the docker env and sbt compile and sbt run and assembly once
$ docker run --mount \
target=/spark-word-count \
-i -t spark_env \
/bin/bash -c "cd ../spark-word-count && sbt clean compile && sbt run && sbt assembly && spark-submit /spark-word-count/target/scala-2.11/spark-scala-word-count-assembly-1.0.jar"
For windows: Open project folder in the cmd and run:
$ docker build . -t spark_env
$ docker run --mount \
target=/spark-word-count \
-i -t spark_env \
/bin/bash -c "cd ../spark-word-count && sbt clean compile && sbt run && sbt assembly && spark-submit /spark-word-count/target/scala-2.11/spark-scala-word-count-assembly-1.0.jar"