- gui: keyboard shortcuts: use delete for deleting news items by @sebix in #46
- assess: add noreferrer attribute to source links by @sebix in #44
- readme: add alternative source for stop lists by @sebix in #34
- gitignore: add more rules and make others more generic by @sebix in #25
- Document keyboard shortchuts by @sebix in #31
- doc harware requirements: add cpu cores by @sebix in #75
- fix bare except clauses by @sebix in #42
- Assess: Do not reload news items when in selection mode by @sebix in #40
- fix gui shortcuts in assess by @sebix in #56
- Security upgrade lxml from 4.5.0 to 4.6.3 by @sebix in #47
- Keyboard fixes and new shortcuts by @sebix in #52
- gui: remove unused vue logo by @sebix in #58
- GUI Keyboard improvements by @sebix in #57
- use log_manager by @b3n4kh in #62
- refactor auth_manager by @b3n4kh in #63
- cleanup ftp publisher code by @b3n4kh in #64
- monkeypatch before init by @b3n4kh in #65
- shortcuts: ignore keypresses in search field except Escape by @sebix in #76
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v21.11.1...v22.05.1