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Running Pose Sampler

Aditya Agarwal edited this page May 28, 2020 · 14 revisions

Creating Training and Testing Data

The data is created by running PERCH 2.0 6Dof flow on the YCB Video Dataset. For now it is for one object at a time only :

  1. Follow the steps in Running-With-Docker Wiki under Using Docker Image to set up PERCH 2.0 and MaskRCNN with Docker (make sure you are able to run Step 12 before going further).

  2. Make a new folder outside Docker for storing sampler data :

mkdir -p pose_sampler_data/sugar/test
mkdir -p pose_sampler_data/sugar/train
  1. Mount the above folder while running Docker to /data/pose_sampler_data.

    • If you are creating training data, config_docker.yaml should point to the training COCO annotation file
    • If you are creating test data, config_docker.yaml should point to the test COCO annotation file
  2. Next, check the run_ycb_6d function in :

    • It should be set to run a single required object
    • If creating training data, the scene range should be 0 to 93
    • If creating test data, the scene range should be 48 to 60
    • The image range can be set as per requirement
  3. Run the code from inside Docker :

python --config config_docker.yaml
  1. The PERCH C++ code will dump outputs as well as network data in json files in the ```perch_outputs`` folder
  2. Once you are done with running the code, copy the folders corresponding to images from perch_outputs`` to required train or test folder. ***Make sure there are no random run folders in perch_outputs`` if you are copying everything in the folder **:
cp perch_outputs/* pose_sampler_data/sugar/train
  1. Once the folders for both train and test are copied, you can run the script to convert the data to COCO format which can be used for training the network. The script will go through each pose in each scene and assign a score out of 1 using the cost computed by PERCH. It will also discretize the pose using viewpoints and inplane rotations.

Look for the code section on DATASET_TYPE = "ycb_sampler" :

  • Make sure this is the only section set to True and everything else is set to False :
  • For testing, the testing section should be uncommented (Output file : instances_keyframe_bbox_pose_sampler)
  • For training the testing section should be uncommented (Output file : instances_train_bbox_pose_sampler)
  1. Run the convert script to create json files containing the annotations in the YCB_Video_Dataset folder:

Training Network

Training a pose sampling network using the costs calculated by PERCH 2.0.

  1. Follow the steps in Running-With-Docker Wiki under "Using Docker Image" to set up PERCH 2.0 and MaskRCNN with Docker.

  2. Clone the sampling CNN repo:

git clone
  1. Start the Docker image and mount the cloned folder to Docker at /pose_sampler
  2. After getting into the Docker shell, run the following to make sure all Python modules are in the PYTHONPATH :
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/pose_sampler/
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/ros_python3_ws/src/perception/sbpl_perception/src/scripts/tools/fat_dataset
  1. Run the training code :
# For visualizing poses during training : 
Xvfb :5 -screen 0 800x600x24 & export DISPLAY=:5; #skip this if not using the CPU version 
cd /pose_sampler/utils
python \
  --dataset /data/YCB_Video_Dataset \
  --dataset_type ycb \
  --dataset_annotation /data/YCB_Video_Dataset/instances_train_bbox_pose_sampler.json \
  --test_dataset_annotation /data/YCB_Video_Dataset/instances_keyframe_bbox_pose_sampler.json \
  --batchsize 40 --nepoch 50 --render_poses
  1. Run tensorboard outside Docker to visualize in the browser :
cd perch_pose_sampler/utils
tensorboard --logdir experiments
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