This public repository is read-only and no longer maintained.
When you've completed an SAP system measurement, this project helps you to understand the XML content of the result file created by the SAP License Administration Workbench (LAW). You can run this sample code either online in the SAP ONE Support Launchpad (, S-user required) or download and run it locally in your own UI5 environment.
To run the app, you need a HTTP webserver, UI5 (either SAP UI5 or openUI5) and a copy of this sample code.
There are many ways to run this sample code. We describe two options in more details here:
This option is the easiest, as you just have to clone the sample code into your workspace.
Open your WebIDE and right-click your workspace. Select the option Git > Clone Repository.
Enter the URL and press Clone.
You may be asked for user authentication on GitHub. If the Git Ignore System Files dialog pops up, press Commit and Push. A Clone completed confirmation should show up.
After the repository is cloned, open the project folder and the webapp subfolder.
Right-Click the file index.html file in there and choose Run > Run index.html.
A new tab/window opens displaying the app
Option 2: Download the app and run it on a web server/in your dev. environment (e.g. in Visual Studio Code)
For this option, you need a HTTP web server (we use the one in Visual Studio Code in this example), the sample code and UI5.
If you follow this example and use Visual Studio Code's web server, you can create a folder practically anywhere on your disk. If you use a different web server, the folder may have to be in a specific location (see the manual of your web server). In this example, we create the folder github_law_result_file.
Use the green Code > Download ZIP button above to download the sample code of this github repository. Save it and extract it in the github_law_result_file folder, which will create a subfolder law-result-file-main with the files from the repository in it.
Download the openUI5 libraries from The sample code has been tested with the runtime version 1.82.1 ( Save it and extract it to the law-result-file-main folder, so that the resources folder of the .zip file becomes a subfolder of the law-result-file-main folder.
To run the app, open the index.html file from the webapps subfolder. You can do this e.g. with an IDE like Visual Studio Code ( When you start Visual Studio Code, use menu File > Open Folder and open the folder law-result-file-main.
Open the webapp subfolder and right-click the index.html file. Select Open with Live Server.
A new browser window opens displaying the app
There are no known issues at this time.
This project is provided "as-is": there is no guarantee that raised issues will be answered or addressed in future releases. If you have any topics, you may discuss them with your SAP license audit contact or you can create an issue. Further information is available at
Currently this project is only being updated and maintained by SAP employees.
Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.