25 minutes (Part A: 15 minutes, Part B: 10 minutes)
In this exercise, we will learn to expose our data model entities as OData services. We will also include custom logic to limit the number of passengers in each space craft.
This exercise is structured into two parts. The second part is optional:
- Rename the file inside
folder frommy-service.cds
and replace the generated code with the below lines of code. This code exposes our data-model entities as oData service.
using teched.flight.trip as flight from '../db/data-model';
using teched.space.trip as space from '../db/data-model';
using teched.payment.trip as payment from '../db/data-model';
service BookingService {
entity PaymentInfo as projection on payment.PaymentInfo;
entity Bookings as projection on flight.Bookings;
@readonly entity Itineraries as projection on flight.Itineraries;
@readonly entity EarthRoutes as projection on flight.EarthRoutes;
@readonly entity Airports as projection on flight.Airports;
@readonly entity Airlines as projection on flight.Airlines;
@readonly entity AircraftCodes as projection on flight.AircraftCodes;
@readonly entity SpaceRoutes as projection on space.SpaceRoutes;
@readonly entity Spaceports as projection on space.Spaceports;
@readonly entity Spacelines as projection on space.SpaceFlightCompanies;
@readonly entity Planets as projection on space.AstronomicalBodies;
- As now we have a service definition we need to update the database schema to correspond to our new service implementation. Go to the
and change the value of the property"cds.requires.db.model"
from "db" to [ "db", "srv" ]. And execute in the terminal the commandcds deploy
- Let us include some custom logic to ensure that not more than 5 passengers are flying in the same spacecraft, as we assume that the spacecraft capacity is 5. For simplicity sake, we assume there is one spacecraft flying every day for each itinerary in a specific space route. Create a file called
in the same folder/cloud-sample-spaceflight-node/srv/
and add the following code. Note that this file name is same as that of the of the service created in step 1,booking-service.cds
, except for the extension. In case the naming is different, add the annotation@(impl:service.js)
to thebooking-service.cds
* Custom logic for booking-service defined in ./booking-service.cds
* Check to restrict number of passenger traveling on a space craft to 5
const maxpassengers = 5
module.exports = function ({ teched_flight_trip_Bookings }) {
this.before('CREATE', teched_flight_trip_Bookings, (cds) => {
cds.run(() => {
if (cds.data.NumberOfPassengers > maxpassengers)
cds.error(409, `Number of Spacecraft passengers exceeds the maximum of ${maxpassengers}`)
.where({ DateOfTravel: cds.data.DateOfTravel, and: { Itinerary_ID: cds.data.Itinerary_ID } })
}).then(([bookings]) => {
let totalPassengers = 0
for (let booking of bookings) {
totalPassengers = totalPassengers + booking.NumberOfPassengers
if (totalPassengers + cds.data.NumberOfPassengers >= maxpassengers)
cds.error(409, "Spacecraft tickets sold out for your Date/Destination, sorry!")
- Run the following command in the terminal to serve the Booking Service:
cds serve all
Now we see the information that our service is served at the URL: http://localhost:4004 as shown below:
- Open this URL in the browser and click on the /booking service as shown:
- The XML metadata information of the exposed oData service is seen. In addition the URL now is changed to http://localhost:4004/booking/$metadata
- Replace the $metadata part of the URL with
to see the actual contents present in the Astronomical Bodies entity. Hence, on changing the URL to http://localhost:4004/booking/Planets, the contents can be seen as shown below:
- Launch Postman app in your system. Now that we have our Booking Service running, let us create a booking by sending an HTTP POST request using Postman App. Create a POST request with this URL: http://localhost:4004/booking/Bookings The header and body of the request should be as follows:
Content-Type: application/json;IEEE754Compatible=true
"BookingNo" : "20180726GA1A0",
"Itinerary_ID" : "1",
"CustomerName" : "Mark Watney",
"EmailAddress" : "[email protected]",
"DateOfTravel" : "2018-12-02T14:00:00Z",
"Cost" : "1000.0",
"NumberOfPassengers" : 1,
"PaymentInfo_CardNumber" : "45887465625662"
Below is a screenshot showing the request's header details:
Now click on Send and we can see that our booking is created successfully with a HTTP 201 success code as shown.
- Based on our logic, we should be able to create only upto 5 passengers on the same date and same itinerary (Assumption: 1 spacecraft per itinerary; Spacecraft capactiy: 5). Now let us try to create another booking with Number of Passengers as 5 (or more) for the same date and itinerary. Replace the body of the request with the below JSON contents.
"BookingNo" : "20180726GA1A1",
"Itinerary_ID" : "1",
"CustomerName" : "Captain Kirk",
"EmailAddress" : "[email protected]",
"DateOfTravel" : "2018-12-02T14:00:00Z",
"Cost" : "5000.0",
"NumberOfPassengers" : 5,
"PaymentInfo_CardNumber" : "45887465625662"
The request should fail with an HTTP 409 status code as shown:
Congratulations, we successfully included custom logic to our code and exposed the data model entities as oData services. In part B of this exercise, we will create a repository and push the code to git service of SAP Cloud Platform. Part B is optional. In case you directly want to move to the next exercise, click here.
- Launch SAP Cloud Platform cockpit on your browser. Click log on and provide your credentials (Email and Password) provided by the instructors of the SAP TechEd 2018 session CNA375. Here the example email is
[email protected]
- replace XXX with the number provided for you.
- Click on the global account
- Click on sub-account
- Press
tab from the left and filter forgit
in the search box. ClickGit Service
- Click on Go to service.
- Create a repository here by clicking on New repository and enter the name
. Uncheck theCreate empty Commit
and clickOK
- Now click on your repository and note down the Repository URL. This will be used in step 10 and in the next exercise.
Execute the command
git init
in your terminal. Make sure this command is executed at the root folder of the project. -
Execute the command
git remote add origin <URL>
in your terminal.<URL>
is the link that was noted in step 7. Switch to the browser, copy the URL and provide it as a parameter to this command.
The last 2 steps can be seen in the below screenshot:
- Click on the
Source Control
tab of VS Code editor on the left(highlighted in the screenshot) and type a messageSource code of Space travel node app
and click on the Commit button (Tick button) as shown:
Click on Yes
in the popup that says "There are no staged changes to commit. Would you like to automatically stage all your changes and commit them directly".
- Click on the 3 dots and choose
Push to...
Enter your credentials (email and password) if requested like in this example:
Congratulations, we successfully included custom logic to our code and pushed it to a git repository. In the next exercise, we will import this code into SAP Web IDE, and build a User Interface for the app.
Click here to continue with Exercise 4.