This repository contains the code of the open stream processing benchmark as decribed in the publication:
It includes both the data stream generator to run the benchmark and the benchmarking code itself.
Currently the benchmark includes Apache Spark (Spark Streaming and Structured Streaming), Apache Flink and Kafka Streams.
This repository contains code for benchmarking Stream Processing frameworks. Four frameworks were included being Spark Streaming, Structured Streaming, Flink and Kafka Streams. A pipeline of common IoT operations has been implemented:
The data-stream-generator publishes a configurable volume of data onto two Kafka topics (ndwflow and ndwspeed). The default volume of the data stream is 760 messages per second (380 messages per topic) which equals to 1 368 000 messages per 30 minutes.
The flow of operations done in the benchmark is as follows:
Ingest: Read JSON event data from Kafka from two input streams: speed stream and flow stream.
Parse: Parse the data from the two streams and extract useful fields.
Join: we join the flow stream and the speed stream together. The join will happen based on the key: measurement id + internal id + timestamp. This internal id describes the lane of the road. By joining this we know how many cars passed and how fast they drove on a certain lane at a certain time point.
Tumbling window: we aggregate the speed and the flow over all the lanes belonging to the same measurement ID. So here the data is grouped by measurement ID + timestamp. For the speed, we compute the average speed over all the lanes and for the flow, we compute the accumulated flow over all the lanes. We then know how fast cars drove past the measurement point on average and how many cars passed in the last time period.
Sliding window: For the windowing phase, we will compute the relative change in flow and speed over two lookback period: a short one and a long one. The length of the lookback periods is defined in the benchmarkConfig.conf file. The relative change is calculated by computing:
speed(t) - speed(t-1) / speed(t-1)
Publishing output back to Kafka
To run the benchmark, the following services need to be installed and brought up:
- Zookeeper
- Kafka
- Data stream generator: publishes traffic data on Kafka.
- Benchmark-suite of framework
Install Zookeeper:
Start zookeeper at localhost:2181.
Install Kafka by downloading it from:
Extract it and place it in a folder: f.e. ~/opt/ Replace config/ with the file in the folder kafka-cluster-tools in this repository. This file has some changes such as the listeners, delete.topic.enable and auto.create.topics.enable.
In kafka-cluster-tools/ replace the second line with the appropriate path for Kafka: export KAFKA_HOME=~/opt/kafka_2.11-2.1.0
Then start up the local Kafka server and create the flow, speed and metrics topics by running the script:
Set the following environment variables:
export KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS="localhost:9092"
export DATA_VOLUME=0 # the inflation factor for the data
export MODE="constant-rate" # or "periodic-burst"
export FLOWTOPIC="ndwflow" # topic to publish flow events onto
export SPEEDTOPIC="ndwspeed" # topic to publish speed events onto
Compile the data stream generator with SBT by:
sbt compile
Run the data stream generator with:
sbt run
Set the following environment variables:
export DEPLOYMENT_TYPE=local
Go to the folder benchmark
cd benchmark
Start sbt
Go to the project you want to run:
project flink-benchmark # other options are spark-benchmark, structured-streaming-benchmark or kafka-benchmark