VidmaPy is a python module that enable user to use the power of ATLAS/SYNTHE codes with just few lines of python code.
- Easy access to ATLAS and SYNTHE codes through Python
- Currently works only under LINUX based systems (because of compiled codes included)
from vidmapy.kurucz.atlas import Atlas
from vidmapy.kurucz.synthe import Synthe
from vidmapy.kurucz.parameters import Parameters
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
atlas_worker = Atlas()
model = atlas_worker.get_model(Parameters(teff=8000., logg=4.0, metallicity=0.0, microturbulence=2.0))
synthe_worker = Synthe()
spectrum = synthe_worker.get_spectrum(model, Parameters(wave_min=4500., wave_max=5000., vsini=50.))
# Plot results
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax1.set_title('Atmosphere model')
ax1.set_ylabel("T [K]")
ax2.plot(spectrum.wave, spectrum.normed_flux)
ax2.set_xlabel("Wavelength [$\AA$]")
ax2.set_ylabel("Normalized Flux")
- Python3
- Conda - usefull but not necessary
Two steps:
- Clone the repository or download it as the .zip file:
- Clone by:
git clone
- Download zip from:
- Clone by:
- Download and untar directories with necessary atomic data in /vidmapy/kurucz/atomic_data/
- Can be downloaded from : atomic data
- Move into vidmapy directory
cd vidmapy
- To install VidmaPy in currently activated environment run:
pip install .
or if you want to develop VidmaPy:
pip install -e .
TODO: fulfill
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Ewa Niemczura