CLI tool to migrate collection schemas on appwrite.
$ appwrite-migration [-v | --version] <command> [<args>]
--version, -v Show the CLI version
--databaseId, -d The database id of your project. Currently not supported.
--projectId, -p The id of your appwrite project
--collection, -c The id of the collection that you want to operate on
--endpoint The appwrite instance endpoint url. Defaults to ""
--file The file path for the operation
--key The api key for your appwrite account
login [-p | --projectId <projectId>] [--endpoint <AppwriteApiUrl>] [--key <apikey>] [--databaseId | -d <id>]
Use this to enter your credentials. They will be stored in ${credentialsFile}
new-migration [<migrationName>] [-d | --directory=./migrations]
Create a new migration inside the directory.
Clear the credentials file: ${credentialsFile}
run [-d | --databaseId] [<migrationPath>]
Runs the path that lies under this <migrationPath>. If the version specified in the migration is
older than the metadata of the database. It won't be run.
backup [-d | --databaseId] [-c | --collection <id>] [<downloadFolder>]
Downloads all the data from all the collections (or specified within the -c flag)
restore [-d | --databaseId][<collection> <file>]
Restore the <collection> with the data from the provided <file>
import [<schemaPath>]
Creates the databases and collections from the generated schema.
generate-schema [-d | --databaseId] [-f | --file <filepath>]
Generates the schema and prints it out.
If [--file] is provided stores the schema in the path.
$ appwrite-migration --version
$ appwrite-migration login --projectId 123893
$ appwrite-migration run migrations/add_lastname_to_users.js -d primary
$ appwrite-migration backup -c users -c countries ./download/ -d primary
$ appwrite-migration restore -c users ./download/users.json -d primary