TaskBoard exposes a RESTful API for managing tasks and boards. The base URL for the API is https://taskboardjsv02.softuniqa.repl.co/api or in your case http://{yoursite}/api
GET /api
- List all API endpoints.
GET /api/tasks
- List all tasks (returns JSON array of tasks).
GET /api/tasks/id
- Returns a task by the given id.
GET /api/tasks/search/keyword
- List all tasks matching the given keyword.
GET /api/tasks/board/boardName
- List tasks by board name.
POST /api/tasks
- Create a new task (post a JSON object in the request body, e.g.,
{"title":"Add Tests", "description":"API + UI tests", "board":"Open"}
- Create a new task (post a JSON object in the request body, e.g.,
PATCH /api/tasks/id
- Edit a task by id (send a JSON object in the request body, holding the fields to modify, e.g.,
{"title":"changed title", "board":"Done"}
- Edit a task by id (send a JSON object in the request body, holding the fields to modify, e.g.,
DELETE /api/tasks/id
- Delete a task by id.
GET /api/boards
- List all boards.
To list all tasks, make a GET request to https://taskboardjsv02.softuniqa.repl.co/api/tasks.