A Laravel backed web application created in house at CBIT to make the internal evauation of students easier.
Evaluation for the labs are done following the process of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE), which is a day based process of evaluating students based on their performance for the day on which the lab is conducted.
Creating a record for the day of conducting lab
A new record marking that a lab is conducted is created. This record is then used to track and assign marks for the students.
Adding marks for each student
After creating an entry for the day on which the lab is conducted, then an operator starts adding marks for each student of that batch. Marks are assigned for each category like record submission, attendance etc.
Adding marks for absent students
Students absent for a lab can gain marks for specific purposes for the previous labs conducted by meeting the requirements. The requirements include tasks like completion of previous lab tasks and record submission etc. But marks for absence are never alloted.
Note: Module in development
Feedbacks for lecturers are provided by students only and the stats of the feedback can be viewed by lecturers. A student can submit feedback anonymously.
Feedback reports are categorized based on classes and reports are collected on various requirements. Feedback requests are created by editor, and the students are then asked to provide feedback. These feedbacks are created and edited by an editor.
Note: Module in development
Results for the lab evalutation and marks for various tests/exams can be viewed by students. This allows students to cross check marks with their questions.
Marks for mid exams are entered and managed by the editor.