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Releases: Revolutionary-Games/Thrive

Thrive 0.5.5

21 Aug 09:48
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For this release we mostly focused on fixing things. With the most important being colony related fixes.

Read more in our devblog:

We are now accepting donations:


For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file below for manual installation.

Patch Notes

  • Improvements to colony physics and member rotation issues
  • Added a new abilities hotbar with buttons for activating various cell abilities
  • Spawn system now uses a bag approach that attempts to more fairly spawn from each category. This along with other spawn system tweaks should fix bugs with iron not spawning where it should.
  • New iron chunk look
  • Improved microbe membrane visuals
  • Spawn rate is now reduced if the player is stationary
  • AI run and tumble behaviour has been improved
  • Key prompts now update the shown keys on keybinding change
  • Fixed an organelle related crash in the editor which happened for example when undoing and re-placing the nucleus
  • The help menu now uses compound icons and shows the current key bindings for actions referred to in it
  • Added a save upgrade system that allows upgrading 0.5.4 saves to this version. If this is kept up to date we can hopefully keep save compatibility for a long time
  • Fixed the ATP and health bars becoming stuck sometimes. Also ATP bar should now stay full better without quickly changing between being full and almost full.
  • Fixed showing the blank keyprompt icon
  • The ATP and health bars now remember the max values when the player dies, instead of reverting to showing the default values
  • Tweaked AI to hopefully avoid cells spinning around in a position where they were trying to engulf a chunk
  • Added audio output device selection to the options menu
  • The AI is now much more likely to move immediately after spawning
  • Processes can now run at fractional speed to allow running them for example when only a little bit of input compound or output space is available
  • Added an option to disable the GUI light on the editor button. Please report if disabling this feature helps you if you previously experienced the bottom right of the microbe GUI sometimes having parts of it disappear
  • There is now a separate icon for species in graphs when they go extinct entirely versus just from the current patch
  • Changed rendering mode to multithreaded in Godot
  • Auto-evo now models different energy sources better, which should result in better evolved species
  • Unbinding ESC from actions is no longer possible as it was not possible to get that binding back
  • Fixed a crash in mutations generation if the player entered a species name that contained a one letter word
  • Dragging and dropping a save onto the game window will now load that save
  • Improved the layout of the help menu texts, now they are again specified manually if they are in the left or right columns
  • Undo and redo buttons are now disabled while moving an organelle
  • Fixed organelles being marked as moved incorrectly if re-placed at their current location, allowing then to do a free proper move
  • Fixed a crash happening if the load game menu was exited, re-entered and load pressed
  • Fixed process panel not working correctly when the player had all organelles
  • Fixed crash in duplicate player cheat after loading a save
  • Changed the alignment of graph y-axis labels
  • The same microbe ambiance track can now repeat, instead of always switching to the other one when one ended
  • If save loading fails, the already loaded objects are now properly freed
  • Player cell is properly reset to normal state after unbinding a cell in unbinding mode
  • Entering the editor while in a colony should now be properly blocked, though it seems there is still a bug that can allow that
  • Options menu now scales to content size
  • Closing the pause menu with ESC when there are unsaved changes no longer happens
  • Saving or loading is now prevented if already in progress, this fixes a crash with rapidly pressing the quick save and load buttons
  • Pressing ESC in the options or load menu when opened from the main menu, now goes back to the main menu
  • Slightly refactored the code for the tooltip system
  • Fixed player species remove on extinction from list of species
  • Fixed options menu tooltips not showing when accessing it from the pause menu
  • Unbinding now always returns cells to normal state
  • Spamming F1 no longer cycles the fun fact / tip in the help menu
  • Compound amount labels in the GUI now update on language change
  • The game now prints C# and Godot locale on startup
  • Changed the order of game start prints to have more important information earlier in the logs
  • Added some extra error handling to JSON converter types
  • Reworked the compound names in translateable strings to allow overriding the default text, required by some languages to make sentences including compound names more natural.
  • Game languages list is now loaded just once instead of always when opening the options menu
  • Percentage values now use the translation system
  • Freebuilding label in the MP bar now reacts to language change
  • Updated translations
  • Updated the used automatic checking tools version, added more documentation for developers regarding CI usage
  • Added a helper script to reset current localizations from the master branch, hopefully useful to developers to resolve translation merge conflicts
  • Added a helper script to build list of changed files locally, useful for people who haven't setup pre-commit to have faster automatic code checking
  • Added helper script to clean out local Godot version, as it's known to automatically break
  • Changes to our code style document and additional automatic checks to enforce these rules

Thrive 0.5.4

19 Jun 08:25
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Binding agents are finally here. This release got delayed because they weren't ready. Now they are ready so time for a release, but we didn't have time and resources to fix all bugs regarding them.

Read more in our devblog:

We are looking for a mac developer to help us with the mac releases as currently it may be broken.

We now have a sponsor button on Github linking to our Patreon


For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file below for manual installation.

Patch Notes

  • Binding agents added. You can now form cell colonies with other cells
  • Improved microbe AI. And fixed the AI being unable to fire toxins.
  • The AI will now get tired of endlessly trying to hunt the same prey, instead they move on after chasing a while
  • Fixed bug with glucose reduction not actually working. Glucose now decays properly over time. Fixed the editor compound graphs not displaying changes over time correctly.
  • Updated to Godot 3.3.2. Fixes problem with exiting fullscreen not remembering the monitor. Fixes some physics errors.
  • Renamed the appearance into the membrane tab
  • The cell visuals along with the membrane are now shown in the editor when on the "membrane" tab
  • The game now defaults to starting in fullscreen mode and only going windowed mode if selected in options (instead of doing the opposite). Hopefully encourages dedicated graphics to be preferred and fix some fullscreen entering bugs some people experienced.
  • Tweaked compound cloud visuals. Still not perfect but they are a bit closer to the nice looking clouds of 0.3.4. Hopefully also resolves the clouds flashing issue.
  • Organelle move cost is now reduced to 5 MP
  • Fixed organelles disappearing if moving was attempted with not enough MP
  • Changed the placeholder image file to be a transparent one. This avoids the problem in GLES2 mode with the Thrive logo being overlayed over the gameplay when a shader fails to compile.
  • The loading screen now shows a randomized piece of art
  • Added a button to cancel an in-progress organelle move in the editor
  • Balance tweaks to storage, toxins, pili etc.
  • Normal membrane now has a osmoregulation factor of 1. Other membrane factors were adjusted.
  • Moving organelles placed in the current editor session is now free
  • Tweaked mutations algorithm to make slightly larger cells
  • Cytoplasm now has a dedicated model when it is used as a cell corpse chunk
  • Organelle process tooltips now use bbcode to specify the contents. This allows translations to order things naturally, and also the tooltips now show actual keybinding values instead of just the default keys for actions.
  • Improved organelle rotations when placed with symmetry on
  • Fixed crash when spamming the editor button
  • Fixed crash when rapidly spamming the next button in the editor
  • Added a new cheat menu (F6) that has a few new cheats on top of the old ones
  • Fixed a bug with all keys getting disabled if input rebinding was canceled
  • The cell visuals are now only shown in the editor when you are on the cell editor tab
  • Data graphs now recalculate min and max values based on shown datasets
  • Flagellum tooltip now explains that the final direction it points out of a membrane affects the thrust direction
  • Editor fade in now happens after the loading screen instead of before
  • Switched the used noise library to better licensed one to allow different distribution channels in the future. This slightly affects the movement of compound clouds
  • Membrane rigidity now has a visual influence on the amount the membrane wiggles. Different membranes now have different base wigglyness amounts.
  • Improved the experience regarding turning the organelle place hover hex on after loading a save made in the editor
  • Compound amounts now have a tooltip and icon in the patch details
  • Light now works in the editor, slightly changing the visuals there. This makes organelles brighter in the editor. Improves the experience in GLES2 mode.
  • Exiting the editor with disconnected hexes is no longer possible by exploiting the not enough ATP confirmation dialog
  • Editor tooltips now react to language change
  • Fixed editor graphs showing lines with insufficient data
  • Rigidity slider tooltip now shows the middle value as +0 instead of 0. The tooltip also now displays the speed difference as percentage
  • Editor hexes should no longer be bugged in GLES2 mode
  • Environmental toxins now fade out instead of immediately popping out of existence when they are to be removed.
  • Shot toxins now fade out properly instead of immediately disappearing entirely on hit
  • Scrollbar thickness was increased to make them easier to use with the cursor
  • Cell entities are now removed much sooner after they have died
  • Fixed population number display when it gets very large
  • Fixed some wording in the editor tooltips
  • Thermoplast tooltip now says it is not implemented
  • Tweaked bottom right area in the microbe GUI
  • The MP costs can now be translated in the editor
  • Input key names can now be translated
  • Fixed some other places in the game that couldn't be translated
  • Translations updated. New languages: Latvian, Swedish, Estonian, Dutch, Thai, and Sinhala
  • Tweaked the undo tutorial text
  • Reordered microbe stage help text to put the text about winning and losing next to each other
  • Adjusted Godot tooltip positioning to make the cursor overlap less with them
  • Refactored custom theme out of microbe editor scene to a shared theme file
  • Improved automatic code checks to even further help with automatic pull request reviews
  • Internal refactoring on the organelle tooltips to make them easier to work with
  • Build changes, we now recommend dotnet for building
  • Updated code style guide


20 Feb 10:44
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This was originally planned to be the release with binding agents, but those haven't had progress done on them for a while, so here is a patch release with some important fixes that we didn't want to keep the players waiting for. The most important being the constant saving errors should be gone now (please open an issue if you still get saving errors), and we got a fix to the microbe AI being much worse than it should have been due to a small mistake in the code. This release also includes features that were done by this release.

Read more in our devblog / progress update hybrid:


For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file below for manual installation.

Patch Notes

  • Saving error regarding AI keeping references to disposed objects should be fixed now
  • Organelles can now be moved in the editor
  • Added graphs to the auto-evo report showing historical values
  • Fixed the AI being unable to act as a predator. This was broken when converting the code into C# for 0.5.0 release.
  • Balancing changes
  • Editor button should now finally be properly disabled when the player dies
  • Added a shortcut (by default alt+enter) to toggle fullscreen mode
  • Environmental toxins now despawn after a few minutes. This should reduce the ridiculous amount of toxins that could end up surrounding the player.
  • Fixed some popups not sizing correctly to translations
  • The MP bar now flashes if trying to change membrane types without enough MP
  • Added a button to open the logs folder
  • Added a .desktop file for use on Linux
  • Various small GUI fixes
  • The resulting mutation points arrow now uses a texture for nicer look
  • Player cell is now shown in mouse hover panel
  • Pressing enter on the species name enter now defocuses the input field
  • Fixed issues with some text not being translatable
  • Updated translations
  • General code repository related improvements

Thrive 0.5.3

09 Jan 10:46
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Here's another regularly scheduled Thrive release. We talked about including binding agents in this release, but sadly the pull request for them (#1868) was not finished in time. Instead the plan is now to release ( immediately once binding agents are done, along with whatever other changes that have been done by that point.

Read more in our devblog:


For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file below for manual installation.

Patch Notes

  • Added translations support to the game. The community has already done many translations at
  • Added key rebinding
  • Added process panel (press the test tube icon in the bottom left) to show running processes in your cell
  • It's no longer possible to make cells with disconnected hexes
  • Mutation code now also has a check to make sure it doesn't create disconnected hexes
  • When exiting the editor, organelles are now moved to be around the center of mass
  • Wall type membranes now prevent a cell from engulfing
  • Tooltip system improvements, editor organelle tooltips now follow the mouse around
  • Fixed a bug with tooltips sometimes getting stuck on screen
  • Membrane tooltips are now relative to the currently selected membrane
  • Big changes to the saving system to reduce the amount of logic needed after loading an object from a save. This will make future development easier. Unfortunately this new save format is incompatible with the previous one.
  • It's now possible to pan the camera in the editor
  • Extinct species are now mentioned much more clearly in auto-evo results
  • Fixed places where zero or negative delta could cause problems (#1976)
  • Tried to fix bug with ObhectDisposedException from FloatingChunk preventing saving. If you still get that error when trying to save, please let us know as the potential fix needs more testing.
  • Added a popup warning when playing in GLES2 mode
  • Configuring the username for saves is now possible
  • Added back the arrow showing forward direction in the editor
  • Absorbing non-useful compounds is now blocked
  • Added a new button in the main menu to open our github
  • Added a button to open screenshots folder
  • Added a button to go to the translations website so that the community can easily find out how to help with translations
  • Fixed bug with loading a save where editor was available, now the editor button is correctly enabled after loading such a save
  • Music track fading has been improved
  • Fixed quick loading while quick loading causing issues, quick load is now prevented if load is already in progress
  • Floating chunks now use more accurate, convex collision shapes
  • New input system to make it easier to add future code that needs input handling
  • Fixed win and lose screens not being centered
  • Loading a save made in the editor now remembers which editor tab was open
  • The load menu is now more robust against broken or invalid format saves
  • External effects are now saved
  • Cell reproduction progress is now saved properly
  • Relative cell statistics now work correctly after loading a save
  • Editor undo history is now saved and loaded
  • Microbe editor camera zoom is now saved
  • AgentProjectile's emitter is now saved and reapplied on load
  • Microbe velocity is now loaded from saves
  • Hovered over compounds that show as 0.0 are now not shown
  • Quick save in microbe stage is prevented before stage entry is finished
  • Loading screen now has randomized tips
  • Auto-evo configuration is now loaded from JSON for easier tweaking
  • Invalid place sound is no longer played if you click below the patch map
  • Saving status message no longer prevents clicking any GUI buttons
  • Saving status message now fades out smoothly
  • Labels on the mutation bar now have colours
  • Random state is now saved and loaded
  • Added fallback fonts for translations that need special characters not present in the normal fonts
  • Added new easter egg messages to replace duplicates
  • ATP damage sound is now not played if a cell is dead
  • Added option to run auto-evo only after pressing the editor button
  • Health bar now goes to 0 if the player is dead
  • Player dying now explicitly disables the editor button
  • Renamed Lux to lx
  • Game version is now printed to logs on startup
  • Loading a completely incompatible save is now prevented
  • Quick loading a save made with a different version is now blocked. Those saves need to be loaded from the load game menu.
  • Fixed typo in bioluminescent vacuole name
  • Auto-evo now only starts after auto save in the microbe stage
  • Devbuild upload script now has more retries on upload failure
  • Thermoplast tooltip now mentions that it is unimplemented
  • Fixed one patch having incorrect environmental gas amounts
  • Fixed help menu mentioning the wrong number of years passing
  • Repo improvements (banner image, added code of conduct, updated setup instructions a bit, updated style guide, switched to pre-commit to make it possible to use on Windows)
  • Hooked up Weblate for the community to help translate the game (

Thrive 0.5.2

10 Oct 08:26
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It's once again time for a new Thrive release. We got a lot done for this release, this might be the longest patch notes so far.
We didn't manage to implement the process system panel, but other than that we got pretty much all the planned features in for this release.

Read more in our devblog:


For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file below for manual installation.

Patch Notes

  • Tutorials were added
  • Editor UI has been redone + some other GUI tweaks were done
  • Auto-evo populations are no longer random, they are now computed using an auto-evo prototype algorithm
  • The new auto-evo algorithm makes the AI species to respond to the conditions in the patches they are in
  • Fired toxins and environmental toxins have a new particle effect
  • Many buttons in the editor now have tooltips
  • Saving and loading GUIs were improved
  • Spawn system has been partly reworked so that respawning no longer results in an abundance of resources while they are normally too hard to find
  • Updated to Godot 3.2.3
  • Cell physics should now properly match with the hexes in a cell (before it was incorrectly made so that all hex collisions were positioned at the cell origin)
  • Changing options during gameplay is now possible
  • Options are no longer automatically saved, instead they need to be manually saved when exiting the options menu to keep the changes
  • Sound effects and ambience now have separate volume sliders
  • Volume sliders should change the volume better, they now use a linear to decibel conversion
  • With 125% Windows scaling text in the editor should no longer get cutoff
  • There is now a time indicator in the editor showing the current year in-game
  • Trying to exit the editor with negative ATP balance shows a warning now
  • Failing to place an organelle now plays a sound
  • If you don't have enough MP to place an organelle the MP bar flashes
  • Hexes placed in the current editor session are slightly brighter to make it possible to tell them apart from old ones
  • Auto-save happens after the stage fade in now to no longer have all dark screenshots
  • F1 now opens the help menu
  • Added a tooltip for double membrane
  • Patches are now capped at 100% sunlight
  • Balance tweaks (especially to photosynthesis)
  • ATP balance bar now has tooltips
  • More editor buttons now play the button press sound
  • There's now a button in the load menu to open the saves folder
  • Clean up old saves button is now implemented
  • There is now a warning when loading a save made with a different game version, as save compatibility is not guaranteed currently
  • Delete selected saves is now implemented
  • Reproduction bar sides now individually turn white
  • Finding marine snow should now be possible
  • Fixed problem with auto save overwrite if only 1 auto save is selected to be kept
  • Membrane graphics no longer glitch out around 0,0,0
  • Changed population numbers from ints to longs to allow much bigger maximum populations
  • Taking a screenshot now also happens when pressing PrintScrn (before only F12 took a screenshot)
  • Microbe AI think interval was reduced from 2.3 seconds to 0.3 seconds to make them more responsive
  • MP bar in the editor now takes symmetry into account and shows how much the currently selected organelle costs
  • Osmoregulation change is now given as percentage in the membrane tooltips
  • ATP balance bars again show the totals
  • Player daughter cell is now prevented from splitting immediately after exiting the editor. This is to prevent 3 cells appearing after exiting the editor, which might confuse some to think that it is a bug
  • Rigidity bar now moves as far as MP allows when clicking on the bar
  • Loading a save made in the editor while in the editor now works
  • Patches now show their depth in the editor
  • Chromatic aberration checkbox can now be toggled by clicking the text
  • Species name and colour are now properly saved while in the editor
  • Increased the radius from which cells under the cursor are detected
  • The game should now appear in Windows program list / task manager as Thrive instead of Godot
  • General code and documentation improvements


08 Aug 08:05
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We got quite a few crash reports for 0.5.1 so here is a quick bugfix release to hopefully fix the most common crashes.


For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file below for manual installation.

Patch Notes

  • Fixed crash related to flagellum marine snow spawning. This seems to be the most likely crash to happen while swimming around in the stage.
  • Added a bandaid for crash related to trying to get the game version number (#1505)
  • Fixed rigidity slider being able to take MP from future editor session
  • Editor tooltips no longer overlap with the ATP balanc ebar
  • Popup windows now have styling
  • Sliders in the GUI are now styled better
  • Cellulose wiggle is reduced
  • Background particles now stop when the game is paused
  • Saves list refresh improved
  • Extinct species are now removed from the game world
  • When loading bioprocesses it is now checked that no inputs are 0 or negative

Thrive 0.5.1

25 Jul 07:44
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After the change to Godot we have now polished the experience a little bit, and along other things saving is back. This time it is proper saving, instead of working so that you'd only keep your organelles and respawn like in 0.3.4.

We hoped to get a little more features done for 0.5.1, but we decided to release now as the last few weeks have been slow. Hopefully this release will inspire people to get back to working on Thrive, or new people to join.


For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file below for manual installation.

Patch Notes

  • Saving. Including quick save (F5) and quick load (F9)
  • Balancing changes
  • Previous spawners are now removed on patch change
  • Screenshot key (F12) stored next to the game logs folder
  • Segmented ATP balance bar based on organelle
  • New automated DevBuild system for our patrons
  • Added a disolve effect for the chunks
  • ATP balance calculation fixes
  • Auto move key (X)
  • Chromatic aberration and distortion effect
  • Lag on bacteria colony spawn should be reduced
  • Cell wall wigglyness is now reduced
  • Improved editor cell speed calculation
  • Fixed organelles being displayed outside the membrane
  • Improved membrane visuals when a big cell turns
  • Fixed the initial cell compounds not reacting to different organelles
  • AI now once again gets population from kills
  • Changed the math for player population gain and loss
  • Processes with 0 output are now red in the editor tooltip
  • Added a tooltip for the rigidity slider and it now starts at the middle
  • Adjusted the pilus physics size
  • Editor help screen now mentions the button for removing organelles
  • The question mark button in the stage now opens the help menu
  • Fixed the player global population being shown incorrectly in the per patch information
  • Editor tooltips now show more decimal places to differentiate between almost the same processes
  • Releases now include an info file
  • Windows executable icon and meta data should be now set
  • Bunch more CI checks for more robust automatic checking of PRs
  • Behind the scenes code structure cleanup and refactoring
  • The game now prints the location of the log file on startup

Thrive 0.5.0

16 May 10:29
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The Godot version of Thrive is here!

We went ahead and changed engines again. This time the change was way faster thanks to the contributions of more active programmers than last time. Godot's usability also probably helped.
You can read about the reasoning behind this change here:

There are still quite many features that still don't work the same as before, but we are releasing this anyway as programming activity has slowed down. If you didn't contribute before because of the engine, now's the time to start contributing to Thrive.


For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file below for manual installation.

Patch Notes

  • Thrive should now run on most (if not all) integrated Intel graphics
  • Performance should be much better
  • Added options menu
  • Implemented zooming out in the editor
  • Only useful compound bars are shown now
  • Fixed background brightness
  • Added full screen colour blind filters
  • Clouds no longer have straight edges
  • Microbe corpse chunks fallback to using the mitochondria model less
  • Fixed choppiness of the videos
  • Toxins now use particle effects
  • Improved the look of the reproduction progress GUI elements
  • Added fades to make transitions smoother
  • Camera jitter when moving should be fixed

The list of new features is short this time as it took a lot of effort to reimplement all the existing features in Godot.


14 Mar 09:07
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For various reasons we are moving focus towards reimplementing Thrive in Godot. This means that we have to redo everything in the game, and that is going to take a while. Hopefully the move to Godot will attract many new developers. But in the meantime here is a smaller release with some features and fixed we managed to make after 0.4.3.

Due to the change of focus, there are some leftover issues in this release, from the attempt to change graphics engines again, which is now abandoned because of the focus on Godot. Most of these are related to the camera aspect ratio causing things to be slightly the wrong shape and affecting the cursor to world position math. This causes issues like the compounds under cursor display being slightly off as well as placing organelles in the editor to not match up with the cursor.


For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file above for manual installation.

Thrive system requirements

Windows: Windows 7 or Windows 10. Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is required. Intel integrated graphics have issues. We might explore another graphics engine change in the near future to resolve this
Linux: glibc 2.29 (you can recompile the game with older glibc). Recent graphics drivers. Nouveau drivers for Nvidia likely don't work.

Patch Notes

  • The different membrane types now have different effects
  • New cell button is now disabled when not in freebuild
  • Pilus sound was adjusted
  • Balancing was tweaked
  • Engulfing your own species is now prevented properly
  • Engulfing target's movement penalty has been increased
  • The shown external effects on population when entering the editor are now grouped by type and species
  • Undoing organelle placed on cytoplasm was fixed to properly restore the cytoplasm
  • The editor hover hex is now hidden when mousing over the GUI
  • Reduced movement jitter
  • Updated win text

Thrive 0.4.3

21 Dec 13:23
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Once again we have managed to stick to a 3-month release cycle. However, once again we had to cut some planned features from this release. Due to our lead designer leaving the project, we have not done much balancing for this release.


For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file above for manual installation.

Thrive system requirements

Windows: Windows 7 or Windows 10. Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is required. Intel integrated graphics have issues. We might explore another graphics engine change in the near future to resolve this
Linux: glibc 2.29 (you can recompile the game with older glibc). Recent graphics drivers. Nouveau drivers for Nvidia likely don't work.

Patch Notes

  • New GUI for the microbe stage
  • Moved the game to a variable update rate for smoother gameplay
  • Added the pilus
  • Made editor tooltips dynamic to show the process efficiency in current patch
  • Added an ATP balance bar to the editor to help with making cells that produce enough ATP
  • AI species now spread to new patches
  • More patch details shown on the patch map
  • Fixed undo in editor not restoring removed cytoplasm
  • Added appearance tab in the editor
  • Pausing the game now works
  • Improved counting of population increase from escaping engulfment
  • Organelle definitions moved to a json file for easier editing and modding
  • Fixed right click freezing the game
  • Fixed movement ATP cost being sometimes incorrectly calculated