BlinkStick Python interface to control devices connected to the computer.
Modified by RetroRodent to include convenient features and fixes left languishing on the seemingly abandoned official repo.
- pull_35 delmic: Update .get_string() call to follow latest pyusb convension
- pull_45 jmtd: Add trailing newline to udev rule
- pull_50 dakotacody: Added function to return a random hex
- pull_56 dpiche174: Fix misplaced closing parenthesis
- pull_58 jiceher: Fix issue #57 : check for device while get serial
- pull_72 StefanUlbrich: Fix error in adding udev rule
- pull_75 chaddcw: fix intensity scaling in blink, pulse, and morph
- pull_80 PureTryOut: Changed dependency on pyusb to accept anything higher than 1.0.0
- pull_81 PureTryOut: Make sure to use python3
What is BlinkStick? It's a smart USB LED pixel. More info about it here:
- Python
- BlinkStick pip module
- Libusb for Mac OSX
Install pip (Python package management software):
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Install libusb with homebrew:
brew install libusb
Install pip
sudo easy_install pip
ValueError: No backend available
This means that the Python usb module cannot find your installation of libusb.
It seems to be an issue when you have homebrew
installed somewhere that is
not expected.
It can be mitigated with
sudo ln -s `brew --prefix`/lib/libusb-* /usr/local/lib/
- Download and install Python 2.7.9 or any 2.x later version
- During the installation, make sure you select "Add python.exe to Path" to install on local hard drive
Python 2.7.9 and later already comes with pip making it very easy to install BlinkStick Python package on Windows.
Install blinkstick Python package with pip:
sudo pip install blinkstick
Open commandline environment by using Win+R keyboard shortcut and typing in:
Assuming that Python was installed into C:\Python27 folder, type in the following into the command window:
C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install blinkstick
Together with the Python module an additional command line tool is installed to control BlinkSticks.
blinkstick --pulse red
You can find more details about command line tool options and usage examples in the wiki.
If the script returns with an error
Access denied (insufficient permissions)
You can either run the script with sudo, for example:
sudo blinkstick --set-color random
Or you can add a udev rule to allow any user to access the device without root permissions with this single command.
sudo blinkstick --add-udev-rule
There is also another equivalent command that does exactly the same thing:
echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\"20a0\", ATTR{idProduct}==\"41e5\", MODE:=\"0666\"" | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/85-blinkstick.rules
Reboot computer after you have added the command and all users will have permissions to access the device without the need of root permissions.
- Arvydas Juskevicius -
- Rob Berwick -