This is a forked version of the python script
Allows to download all albums from Yandex.Fotki including private albums and albums that have more than 100 photos inside.
Script checks if the file exists in destination folder and the size is the same. There are two checks on the file size: the first one is from yandex meta data (sometimes it's reported incorrect size) and the second check - is 'content-length' value from server responce.
Tested and worked on python 2.7.3 @ Debian wheezy
Dependency: progressbar To install run: sudo easy_install progressbar
For help
python -h
Downloading albums from user hello (interactive)
python hello
Downloading album by id from user hello
python hello -a 4632
Downloading all albums (including private) for the user hello (designed to use from cron)
python hello -d /media/photos -o OAUTH_TOKEN -a -t
Downloading all albums (including private) for the user hello and display progress bar:
python hello -d /media/photos -o OAUTH_TOKEN -a -t -p