HSDS is a web service that implements a REST-based web service for HDF5 data stores. Data can be stored in either a POSIX files system, or using object based storage such as AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, or OpenIO <openio.io>. HSDS can be run a single machine using Docker or on a cluster using Kubernetes (or AKS on Microsoft Azure) The commercial offering based on this code is known as Kita™. More info at: https://www.hdfgroup.org/solutions/hdf-kita/.
- Main website: https://www.hdfgroup.org/kita
- Source code: https://github.com/HDFGroup/hsds
- Mailing list: [email protected] [email protected]
- Documentation: http://h5serv.readthedocs.org (For REST API)
- RESTful HDF5 White Paper: https://www.hdfgroup.org/pubs/papers/RESTful_HDF5.pdf
- SciPy17 Presentation: http://s3.amazonaws.com/hdfgroup/docs/hdf_data_services_scipy2017.pdf
- HDF5 For the Web: https://hdfgroup.org/wp/2015/04/hdf5-for-the-web-hdf-server
- HSDS Security: https://hdfgroup.org/wp/2015/12/serve-protect-web-security-hdf5
- HSDS with Jupyter: https://www.slideshare.net/HDFEOS/hdf-kita-lab-jupyterlab-hdf-service
- AWS Big Data Blog: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/power-from-wind-open-data-on-aws/
Make sure you have Python 3, docker, docker-compose installed, then:
- Setup password file:
$ cp admin/config/passwd.default admin/config/passwd.txt
- Create a directory the server will use to store data, and then set the ROOT_DIR environment variable to point to it:
$ export ROOT_DIR="~/hsds_data"
- Start server:
$ ./runall.sh
- Try making a request to the service:
$ curl http://localhost:5101/about
(should get back a json response) - Set environment variables for the admin password and username:
$ export ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin
,$ export ADMIN_USERNAME=admin
- Run the test suite:
$ python testall.py --skip_unit
- (Optional) Post install setup (test data, home folders, cli tools, etc): docs/post_install.md
To shut down the server, run: $ ./stopall.sh
Note: passwords can (and should for production use) be modified by changing values in hsds/admin/config/password.txt and rebuilding the docker image. Alternatively, an external identity provider such as Azure Active Directory or KeyCloak can be used. See: docs/azure_ad_setup.md for Azure AD setup instructions or docs/keycloak_setup.md for KeyCloak.
See: docs/docker_install_aws.md for complete install instructions.
See: docs/kubernetes_install_aws.md for setup on Kubernetes.
On Azure
For complete instructions to install on a single Azure VM:
For complete instructions to install on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS):
On Prem (POSIX-based storage)
For complete instructions to install on a desktop or local server:
For complete instructions to install on DCOS:
General Install Topics
Setting up docker:
Post install setup and testing:
Authorization, ACLs, and Role Based Access Control (RBAC):
As a REST service, clients be developed using almost any programming language. The test programs under: hsds/test/integ illustrate some of the methods for performing different operations using Python and HSDS REST API (using the requests package).
The related project: https://github.com/HDFGroup/h5pyd provides a (mostly) h5py-compatible interface to the server for Python clients.
For C/C++ clients, the HDF REST VOL is a HDF5 library plugin that enables the HDF5 API to read and write data using HSDS. See: https://github.com/HDFGroup/vol-rest. Note: requires v1.12.0 or greater version of the HDF5 library.
HSDS only modifies the storage location that it is configured to use, so to uninstall just remove source files, Docker images, and S3 bucket/Azure Container/directory files.
Create new issues at http://github.com/HDFGroup/hsds/issues for any problems you find.
For general questions/feedback, please use the HSDS forum: https://forum.hdfgroup.org/c/hsds.
HSDS is licensed under an APACHE 2.0 license. See LICENSE in this directory.
The HDF Group provides access to an HSDS instance that is integrated with JupyterLab: Kita™ Lab. Kita™ Lab is a hosted Jupyter environment with these features:
- Connection to a HSDS instance
- Dedicated Xeon core per user
- 10 GB Posix Disk
- 100 GB S3 storage for HDF data
- Sample programs and data files
Sign up for Kita™ Lab here: https://www.hdfgroup.org/hdfkitalab/.
The HDF Group provides an AWS Marketplace product, Kita™ Server, which provides simple installation of HSDS and related AWS resources. Kita™ offers these features:
- Stores usernames and passwords in a secure DynamoDB Table
- Creates a AWS CloudWatch dashboard for service monitoring
- Aggregates container logs to AWS CloudWatch
VM Offer for Azure Marektplace - coming soon
Kita™ Server for AWS Marketplace can be found here: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B07K2MWS1G.