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[Stable RC] 2020-10-05

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@karelhala karelhala released this 05 Oct 14:59
· 3949 commits to master since this release

Dependency Updates

@patternfly/patternfly: 4.35.2 -> 4.42.2
@patternfly/react-icons: 4.7.4 -> 4.7.6
@patternfly/react-core: locked version to 4.47.0
@patternfly/react-table: 4.16.7 -> 4.16.20

@redhat-cloud-services/entitlements-client: 1.0.71 -> 1.0.75
@redhat-cloud-services/rbac-client: 1.0.71 -> 1.0.75

@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components: 2.4.3 -> 2.4.9
@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilities: 2.2.1 -> 2.2.3
@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-notifications: 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2
@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-remediations: 2.2.2 -> 2.2.3

(Related to all inventory details)
@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-inventory: 2.4.5 -> 2.4.11
@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-inventory-compliance: 2.2.4 -> 2.2.8
@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-inventory-general-info: 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2
@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-inventory-insights: 2.6.3 -> 2.6.4
@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-inventory-patchman: 0.22.1 -> 0.24.1
@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-inventory-vulnerabilities: 1.45.4 -> 1.47.0


  • Navigation and avatar changes #942
  • Add option to encode global filter tags
  • Add new API to toggle global filter #950
  • Move things around, make the navigation calculation run in seperate thread #955
  • Update pug to be more modular #960
  • Introduce chrome cache #959
  • Depracate navigation function and console log erro #970
  • Update user toggle to add mua #976
  • Guard and cache fetchPermission chrome API. #975
  • Cost management and migrations fix for case creation #982
  • Wrap remediations with react-dom renderer
  • Added OUIA props to Sidenav #996


  • Fix navigation text alignment. #958
  • Move localStorage refresh token to a cookie #954
  • Remove double dashes when navigating #971