Create flowcharts of Genesys PureConnect or Genesys Cloud interaction flows with
- Export XML file of Interaction Attendant data using DSEditU.exe.
Specify organization name and fetch flows from Genesys Cloud. You can also use config.toml file for Genesys Cloud CLI to connect Genesys Cloud.
There are 3 ways to create flowcharts:
- Fetch all Architect flows from Genesys Cloud.
- Specify a specific flowID and fetch from Genesys Cloud.
- Specify JSON file of /api/v2/flows/{flowId} result.
Intermediate CSV files for will be created after the export/fetch completes. will load intermediate CSV files and create flowcharts.
There are 2 ways to edit flowcharts:
- Open with (web/desktop app) If you need to amend contents in a flowchart, select shape, and press CTRL+M
- Open with Visio
The included in this app was customized for batch processing, so you can NOT use the "SAVE AS" functionality. You should install official desktop app or use Visio.
Install, or validate installed, .NET 6.0 (required) -
Install desktop -
Download the latest binary from Releases page
Create CallFlowVisualizer folder
Unzip CallFlowVisualizer.ZIP to CallFlowVisualizer folder Please note that for installation, do not unzip the CallFlowVisualizer.ZIP to a path containing spaces. The conversion to file format is currently not functioning correctly.
Create or Copy a ClientID and Client Secret of Client Credentials in Genesys Cloud. Required permission is Architect>Flow>View and Architect>User Prompt>View (if showPromptDetail is set to true)
Replace ClientID and Client Secret with your actual values in .\config.toml or specify the file path of existing config.toml in appsettings.json
"gcProfileFileName": "C:\\Users\\YourUserName\\.gc\\config.toml",
- Run x:\I3\IC\Server\DSEDITU.exe (x = PureConnect installed drive letter, typically D)
- Select Root Entry->CustomerSite->Production->[ICSERVERNAME]->AttendantData
Check value of ActiveConfig:- ActiveConfig = Attendant
Select RootEntry->CustomerSite->Production->[ICSERVERNAME]->AttendantData->Attendant - ActiveConfig = Attendant01
Select RootEntry->CustomerSite->Production->[ICSERVERNAME]->AttendantData->Attendant01
- ActiveConfig = Attendant
- Select File -> Export
- Save As XML file, e.g. PCSampleFlow.xml
- Copy PCSampleFlow.xml to CallFlowVisualizer folder
- Run
CallFlowVisualizer.exe PCSampleFlow.xml
- You should now see flowchart files each Attendant profile tree in .\flow folder
Note: Replace sample values for org name, flowID and flow name with your actual values.
- Fetch all inbound call flows from a Genesys Cloud organization
CallFlowVisualizer.exe -f all -t inboundcall -p YourOrgName
- Specify flowName in organization YourOrgName and save as png format
CallFlowVisualizer.exe -n MarketingDev -g -p YourOrgName
- Specify flowID in organization YourOrgName and save as Visio format
CallFlowVisualizer.exe -f 31942f02-e8c6-46cc-8bed-63967548a8fa -v -p YourOrgName
- Specify JSON file in c:\temp
CallFlowVisualizer.exe c:\temp\[YourOrgName](inqueuecall)_MarketingDiv_31942f02-e8c6-46cc-8bed-63967548a8fa.json
Argument | Description |
-d | Create file |
-v | Create, then convert to Visio format |
-g | Create, then convert to png format |
-f | Fetch latest flows from GenesysCloud |
-a | Load all JSON files in Architect folder |
-p | Organization name If you omit this argument , [default] in config.toml will be used |
-l | Create Genesys Cloud Participant Data List as PDList_YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.csv |
-n | Fetch latest flows with flowName from GenesysCloud |
-t | Fetch latest flows with flowType from GenesysCloud |
Change config values in appsettings.json
Variables | Description | Default |
appendDateTimeToFileName | Append dateTime value to fileName | false |
appendGcFlowIdToFileName | Append GenesysCloud flowId to fileName | false |
appendGcFlowTypeToFileName | Append GenesysCloud flowType to fileName e.g. InboundCall,InQueueCall | true |
appendGcOrgNameToFileName | Append organization name to fileName | true |
colorNode | Paint shapes | true |
nodeRound | Draw rounded shapes | false |
lineRound | Draw rounded lines | true |
convertToVisio | Always convert to Visio format without specifying -v option | false |
convertToPng | Always convert to png format without specifying -n option | true |
createParticipantDataList | Always create Genesys Cloud Participant Data List | true |
createflowPerReusabletask | Create flow files per Re-usable Task | false |
maxSecondDescriptionLengh | Max second description length | 1024 |
showExpression | Show expression for UpdateVariableAction / Get/SetAttributesAction | true |
createPagePerReusabletask | Create a separate page in for each Re-usable Task flow | true |
showPromptDetail | Show Prompt detail | true |
To optimize created flowchart readability and impact, consider reviewing and updating Attendant and Archiect node names from default values.
It may take an hour or more to create flowcharts, if you have hundreds of flows.
While creating flowcharts, repeatedly starts and stops. Please do not use your computer until flowchart creation completes.
You can convert to png or Visio format later with the following command line:
Convert default_profile.drawio to default_profile.png
.\ -x -f png .\default_profile.drawio -o default_profile.png
Convert default_profile.drawio to default_profile.vsdx
.\ -x -f vsdx .\default_profile.drawio -o default_profile.vsdx
Convert all .drawio files in c:\temp\flow to visio format, then save to c:\temp\visio
.\ -x -f vsdx c:\temp\flow -o c:\temp\visio