- Fix BiClusterView
- Add support for BiClustering routines:
- Cheng & Church
- BiMine
- BicFinder
- New potential cluster algorithms
- CIDR (Lin, Troup, Ho, Genome Biology 2017)
- SPICi (Speed and Performance In Clustering)
7 JUNE - 23 AUGUST 2021 Google Summer of Code by Maija Utriainen
Implementing remote dimensionality reduction techniques using similar approach to last years remote network clusterers (see below).
- Dimensionality reduction techniques added: Isomap, Local Linear Embedding, MDS, Spectral, tSNE, UMAP
- Changes to ClusterJobExecutionService and RemoteServer: abstracting and replacing code to another class
- Subclasses to ClusterJobHandler specific to network clusterers and dimensionality reduction techniques
- The new algorithms registered in CyActivator
The added and edited code can be found in clusterMaker2/src/main/java/edu/ucsf/rbvi/clusterMaker2/internal/
- utils/remoteUtils
- RemoteServer
- ClusterJobExecutionService
- NetworkClusterJobHandler
- DimensionalityReductionJobHandler
- algorithms/dimensionalityRedcution
- isomap
- linearEmbedding
- mds
- spectral
- tSNERemote
- umap
- CyActivator
1 JUNE - 29 AUGUST 2020 changes done as a Google Summer of Code Project by Maija Utriainen
Implementing new algorithms with a new approach that runs the algorithm remotely on a server instead of in clusterMaker/Cytoscape utilizing interfaces in package.
- The algorithms: Leiden, Infomap, Fast Greedy, Leading Eigenvector, Label Propagation, Multilevel
- The classes used to carry out the remote clustering job are found in remoteUtils. Most of these classes are extended from interfaces and classes and are: ClusterJob, ClusterJobData, ClusterJobDataService, ClusterJobExecutionService, ClusterJobHandler and RemoteServer.
- The algorithms and ClusterJobExecutionService registered in CyActivator.
My code can be found in several packages in clusterMaker2/src/main/java/edu/ucsf/rbvi/clusterMaker2/internal/
- utils/remoteUtils
- algorithms/networkClusterers
- Leiden
- Infomap
- FastGreedy
- LeadingEigenVector
- LabelPropagation
- Multilevel
- CyActivator