URL: http://yourServerIP:21025/maptool/
The default username is admin,
password is auto-generated at each server launch if not set in .screepsrc
Left click to generate a room Right click to remove a room
Ctrl+Left Click to generate a sector Ctrl+Right Click to remove a sector (Fills with solid rooms)
Middle clicking will flood fill from the cursor's position, this is useful to find isolated rooms
Left click sets cell to wall Right click sets to plain Middle click sets to swamp
saves the generated rooms as out of bounds
Save Active
is the same as save, except rooms are set to normal
Auto Gen
will generate an entire map of the specified size (Can run autoGen(w,h)
from console for custom sizes)
The slider controls the solid wall chances, show walls will show solid walls for newly generated rooms only
Room types/features are automatic based on room position. (IE: bus, sk, controllers, etc)
In devtools, you can run generateSector('E5S5')
to generate a sector around E5S5
Generate walls will generate solid rooms surrounding the generated ones, this prevents pathfinding that result from exits leading to the 'void' On that note, don't leave any room open to the 'void', doing so will cause pathfinding errors
Edit .screepsrc
to configure
user = admin
pass = password
If using screeps-launcher, you can specify user and pass in your config.yml
MAPTOOL_PASS: password