- We have made a full rewrite. Over 6 years many things have been changed.
- Renamed github/dockerhub repo from docker-registry-ui -> registry-ui
- Switched from doing raw http calls to
- URLs and links are now matching the image references, no more "library" or other weird URL parts.
- No namespace or only 2-level deep concept
- An arbitrary number of repository levels are supported
- It is even possible to list both sub-repos and tags within the same repo path if you have those
- Added support for OCI images, so now both Docker + OCI are supported
- Proper support of Image Index (Index Manifest)
- Display full information available about Image or Image Index
- Sub-images (multi-platform ones) are linked under Image Index
- Changed format of config.yml but the same concept is preserved
- Event listener path has been changed from /api/events to /event-receiver and you may need to update your registry config
- Removed built-in cron scheduler for purging tags, please use the normal cron :)
- Now you can tune the refresh of catalog and separately refresh of tag counting, disable them etc.
- Everything has been made better! :)