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Releases: QueueClassic/queue_classic


18 May 04:54
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This is a release of 4.0.0. It has one minor update, plus a move to github actions for CI.

4.0.0 Beta 1

08 Oct 16:55
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4.0.0 Beta 1 Pre-release

We've had an alpha for a while. This fixes a couple of minor issues with it, including

4.0.0 Alpha 2

06 Nov 19:24
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4.0.0 Alpha 2 Pre-release
Update to currently supported ruby versions (#323)

* Update to currently supported ruby versions

* Fix the circle yml

* Change to always test the latest releases of 2.4, 2.5, 2.6

4.0.0 Alpha 1

18 Jul 22:20
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4.0.0 Alpha 1 Pre-release

Tons of changes here, but the main one is moving to use SKIP LOCKED, which improves performance dramatically.


18 Jul 22:53
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Bump version to 3.1

Signal Processing & QUEUES Fix

07 Jan 08:05
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Improved signal handling. Worker now unlocks jobs when the INT signal is processed. Also fixed issues with the worker reading the values of $QUEUES for multi-queue processing.

Worker can process many queues

06 Jan 00:08
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The new feature in this release is the ability for a worker to process many queues. The worker will accept a list of queues to work on and will process the queues in a left to right order. For example:

$ QUEUES="first,second" bundle exec rake qc:work

In this scenario, on each iteration of the worker's loop, it will look for jobs in the first queue prior to looking at the second queue. This means that the first queue must be empty before the worker will look at the second queue.

See 2fefa5f for more details. And more generally read over #190 for an overview of the refactorings.

PG Bump

24 Oct 19:35
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Bumped pg gem dependency to 0.17.0. Notes on the pg change can be found here:

yanked - Concurrent Worker

05 Sep 20:53
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This release was pulled because it was fundamentally flawed.

This release boasts one new feature: Concurrent Job Processing.

Concurrency in the worker is achieved by forking child processes to carry out the execution of jobs. The parent worker process will dequeue a job from the queue and fork a new process to carry out job execution. The parent process is capable of handling many dequeue/fork operations concurrently up to a defined maximum level of concurrency. The control for the max number of child processes is controlled the by QC_CONCURRENCY environment variable. The forking implementation has the side effect of increasing the number of connections to the database, so caution should be exercised.

$ QC_CONCURRENCY=4 bundle exec rake qc:work

PG Bump

04 Aug 15:54
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A simple change to the gemspec which requires ~> 0.60.0 of the pg gem.

Here are the release notes for the latest pg gem.