Releases: Qiskit/qiskit-serverless
Releases · Qiskit/qiskit-serverless
- update-version-0.20.0 @github-actions (#1589)
- Feat: job provider list in serverless client @paaragon (#1588)
- Authentication logic refactor @Tansito (#1586)
- Allow return None in the function @Tansito (#1587)
- feat: job provider list endpoint @paaragon (#1583)
- Update internal images in helm @Tansito (#1584)
- Update cryptography version @Tansito (#1585)
- Include in gateway scarf configuration @Tansito (#1582)
- Store the result in the object storage @Tansito (#1569)
- Update base images @Tansito (#1581)
- update-version-0.19.0 @github-actions (#1580)
- Remove scorecard action @Tansito (#1579)
- Create is_trial method for new trial mode @Tansito (#1578)
- Add trial instances relation to horizontal box @Tansito (#1576)
- Remove proxy project @Tansito (#1573)
- Remove vim from ray image @Tansito (#1574)
- Trial mode added for Qiskit Functions @Tansito (#1571)
- Improve data directory functionality @Tansito (#1509)
- Documentation: fix a typo in the name of the function @Tansito (#1564)
- Remove setuptools from docker image @Tansito (#1562)
- Simplify tox ini @korgan00 (#1558)
- update-version-0.18.1 @github-actions (#1552)
- Fix a typo in the documentation @Tansito (#1551)
- Add localclient to integration tests @korgan00 (#1549)
- K8s local deployment and documentation updated @Tansito (#1548)
- Refactor: integration tests @korgan00 (#1543)
- Catalog returns only the functions that you can run @Tansito (#1540)
- Change tox testenv:black envdir @korgan00 (#1530)
- Enables the major version from numpy @Tansito (#1538)
- Logs format improvements @Tansito (#1539)
- Update python version @Tansito (#1537)
- Unify RayClient usage @korgan00 (#1534)
- update-version-0.18.0 @github-actions (#1536)
- Fix build stage name in gateway image @Tansito (#1535)
- Add
function @garrison (#1532) - feat: use env_vars for TIMEOUT_STREAMING @paaragon (#1527)
- implement error message in job @korgan00 (#1528)
- Filter by access in the program list for catalog client @Tansito (#1526)
- Function and jobs refactor - resolve circular dependencies @korgan00 (#1517)
- set gpu jobs using a configmap @psschwei (#1525)
- Limit ray in gateway @Tansito (#1523)
- update cryptography version @akihikokuroda (#1522)
- Add support for running functions on GPUs @psschwei (#1515)
- Refactor client and fix tests @korgan00 (#1513)
- Feat/increate request timeout for upload @paaragon (#1519)
- feat: improve instances many to many in backoffice @paaragon (#1521)
- Update @paaragon (#1520)
- Add support of symbolic links as entrypoint of function. @ohtanim (#1518)
- Use multistage build for gateway @psschwei (#1506)
- Swagger refactor @Tansito (#1516)
- fix: add files to update-component-version workflow @paaragon (#1512)
- update-version-0.17.1 @github-actions (#1511)
- None description shouldnt be updated @korgan00 (#1508)
- Expose and updated swagger doc @akihikokuroda (#1510)
- Views refactorization @Tansito (#1507)
- Improve gateway configuration @Tansito (#1505)
- sanitize title and provider input string @akihikokuroda (#1504)
- update-version-0.17.0 @github-actions (#1502)
- Provide support for large job arguments @psschwei (#1501)
- add catalog/by_title entry-point @akihikokuroda (#1498)
- Bump versions of setuptools and pip @psschwei (#1499)
- Change static files serving to whitenoise plugin @korgan00 (#1491)
- Issue 593 | Client: deprecate stop in favor of cancel @IceKhan13 (#1494)
- fix big file upload issue @akihikokuroda (#1497)
- allow provider to get the job by id @akihikokuroda (#1493)
- Update zipp version in client @psschwei (#1495)
- Issue 577 | Gateway: add order for jobs @IceKhan13 (#1490)
- Bump zipp version in proxy @psschwei (#1492)
- update-version-0.16.3 @github-actions (#1489)
- Deprecate get_jobs method @Tansito (#1488)
- Rename function.get_jobs to and make it return Job objects @akihikokuroda (#1480)
- Additional fields for the UI @Tansito (#1487)
- Add dependency parsing grammar for gateway allowlist @psschwei (#1459)
- Update gitignore @Tansito (#1486)
- Upgrade to qiskit-sphinx-theme 2.0.0 @garrison (#1481)
- Update QiskitRuntime minimum version @Tansito (#1485)
- Update ray filesystem permissions to 1000 user @psschwei (#1484)