This fork is intended to generate HybridNet and AMOSNet descriptors given an image folder path. The codebase needs significant cleaning. But it serves the purpse for now. The original Readme is stored as
Only HPC and CPU is supported for now.
Log on to HPC and run an interactive job (set parameters as per your requirements)
qsub -I -l ncpus=1,mem=10gb,walltime=12:00:00
When a job is assigned:
source /etc/profile.d/
module load caffe/rc3-foss-2016a-7.5.18-python-2.7.11
cd /work/qvpr/workspace/DLfeature_PlaceRecog_icra2017/
python -p /work/qvpr/data/ready/gt_aligned/sample_2014-Multi-Lane-Road-Sideways-Camera/NIL/images/
Descriptors will be stored in your current directory. -p <imgDirPath>
is from where images are read. Additionally, one can add -u uniId
in the above command to include a uniqueStringId in the default savename.
Defaul model is HybridNet
, one can use -m AmosNet
to use AmosNet
model instead.
By default, features from fc7
layer will be extracted. Use -l
option to specify another layer, say, conv6
or conv3
Run python -h
to know all the choices.