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Introduction to FHIR as data formats

angshuman sarkar edited this page Aug 1, 2020 · 8 revisions

About the documentation

What this is about

  • A guide to get you started. Hopefully, we will help you understand usage of FHIR, in context of reference stack, starting from the basics to more advanced usages.
  • Document the least resistant way to get you going.
  • Provide examples, list useful tooling, resources, links etc.
  • Provide a means to solicit feedbacks and improvements, demonstrate usages, leverage expert opinions

What this is not about

  • Not a dumbed down version of FHIR documentation. Please visit the HL7 FHIR website to get the most comprehensive guide of understanding and using FHIR.
  • The reference stack is not a FHIR Server. We use FHIR as means to solve syntactic interoperability - making the data machine readable. If you want the information to be machine interoperable, then you ought to be using FHIR in conjunction with clinical terminology mappings (e.g SNOMED-CT, LOINC etc)
  • Not a means of providing metadata, coding, terminology references. Please refer to India or other country specific guides for such information.
  • Not a means of support. You may raise a github issue if you find something wrong, or even better a Pull request. Thanks in advance for that.

What types of health information do we support

  • Components of reference stack can process and render various types of FHIR resources - either organized as Documents or loose Collections. In Indian context, it supports 4 top level documents - Prescription, Diagnostic Report, Discharge Summary and OP Consultation. Click on the side bar links for documentation of individual resources.
  • We do not intend to stop with the above of course. It is evolving, and we would appreciate if you would want to contribute and support more types.

Lets get started

Your first FHIR PHR data packet/envelope