Collaborate in real-time with others on a shared document using this collaborative text editor. Effortlessly work together on written projects, from anywhere, anytime.
- Room joining notification.
- Live text sync
- Responsive design
- Get participants list.
Desktop version:
Smartphone view:
Technology and Packages used:
Front end:
- React.js - A component based js library to build UI.
- Toast - for notifications
- React Router - For creating internal routes ( obviously)
- React hooks - State management , navigation and orchestration.
- Node.js - Js runtime
- Express - A node js frame work to make writing js in node easy.
- - Bidirectional and low-latency communication for every platform
- Railway
Install CoWrite with npm
git clone 'git remote add origin'
cd CoWrite
npm install
npm run dev (assuming you have vite already installed)
To build for production
npm run build
To previw the build
npm run preview