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github-actions edited this page May 16, 2024 · 2 revisions

Contains all information about a given CsvOrder


Name Type Description
id string The ID of the order.
templateId string The ID of the template the order is based on.
finish string The finish of the order. Can be GLOSSY or MATT.
format string The format of the order. Can be POSTCARD_A5, POSTCARD_A6, POSTCARD_SQ14 or GREETINGCARD_SQ15.
mergeVariableMapping object The merge variables of the order. Keys are the merge variable names.
sender Address | undefined The sender of the order.
recipientMapping Address The mapping of the recipient.
definitiveCountryId string The ID of the definitive country of the order.
billingId string | undefined The ID assigned to the csv order by the customer.
isBillable boolean Whether the csv order is billable. True when an live API key is used, false when a test API key is used.
status string The status of the csv order. Can be order_created or order_processed
friendlyStatus string The friendly status of the csv order. Can be Processing or Success
estimatedOrderCount number The amount of initial orders in the CSV
failedOrderCount number The amount of orders which have failed to be processed
processedOrderCount number The amount of orders which have successfully been processed
totalOrderCount number The total amount of orders failed or processed
sendDate Date The date the order will be sent on.
createdAt Date The date and time the order was created.
updatedAt Date The date and time the order was last updated.



Get the template the order is based on. Uses PrintOne.getTemplate().

Returns: Promise<Template>


const order = await client.getOrder("example-order-id");
const template = await order.getTemplate();


Refresh the CsvOrder data to get the latest information

Returns: Promise<void>


const csvOrder: CsvOrder;
await csvOrder.refresh();

Get all orders generated by the CSV.


Name Type Default Description
options.limit number 10 The maximum number of orders to return. number 1 The page of orders to return.
options.sortBy sort createdAt:DESC The field(s) to sort the orders by. Can be createdAt, anonymizedAt, updatedAt, friendlyStatus or sendDate
options.filter.friendlyStatus string | string[] undefined The friendly status(es) of the order(s) to filter by. Can be Processing, Success, Sent, Scheduled, Cancelled or Failed
options.filter.billingId string | string[] undefined The billing ID(s) of the order(s) to filter by.
options.filter.format string | string[] undefined The format(s) of the order(s) to filter by. Can be POSTCARD_A5, POSTCARD_A6, POSTCARD_SQ14 or GREETINGCARD_SQ15
options.filter.finish string | string[] undefined The finish(es) of the order(s) to filter by. Can be GLOSSY or MATTE
options.filter.isBillable boolean undefined Whether the order(s) are live order or test orders.
options.filter.createdAt date undefined The date(s) the order(s) were created on.

Returns: Promise<PaginatedResponse<Order>>


const orders = await csvOrder.getOrders({
  limit: 20,
  page: 1,
  sortBy: "createdAt:ASC",
  filter: {
    friendlyStatus: "Success",
    billingId: "example-billing-id",
    format: Format.POSTCARD_A5,
    finish: Finish.GLOSSY,
    isBillable: true,
    createdAt: {
      from: "2020-01-01",
      to: "2020-01-31",
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