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Terraform provider for Prefect 2 and Prefect Cloud.

Note: This provider is currently under active development and may have frequent breaking changes.


  • Account (prefect_account)
  • Variable (prefect_variable)
  • Work Pool (prefect_work_pool)
  • Workspace (prefect_workspace)

Data Sources

  • Account (prefect_account)
  • Variable (prefect_variable)
  • Work Pool (prefect_work_pool)
  • Work Pools (prefect_work_pools)
  • Workspace (prefect_workspace)


The "examples" folder makes use of this local provider. By following the instructions below you can get it deployed to a target Prefect Cloud 2.0 account.

1. Create Prefect 2.0 Service Account

The creation of a service account generates a key that we will use to authenticate the terraform provider to Prefect Cloud. The advantage of a service account is that it is not tied to a user, but directly to the account.

2. Configure environment variables

In this step we export 3 environment variables:

PREFECT_API_URL = the Prefect Cloud API endpoint PREFECT_API_KEY = the authentication key (generated as part of the previous step) PREFECT_ACCOUNT_ID = the account id (by clicking on your organisation you'll see this in the URL)

Run this on your terminal (replace placeholders):


3. Build the provider

This builds the providers's binary and move it to the Terraform plugins directory (usually under ~/.terraform.d/plugins/)

Before building the provider make sure you've set the correct CPU architecture of your machine. E.g: for MAC M1, use darwin_arm64, for MAC Intel use darwin_amd64.

export CPU_ARCHITECTURE="darwin_arm64"

Now run the make command to build the provider:

make install

4. Deploy the example infrastructure

This is the final step, which deploys the infrastructure to Prefect Cloud

cd examples
terraform init
terraform apply

In case of a success output, go to Prefect Cloud and find the workspace named terraform-workspace

5. Tear down the example infrastructure

While the capability to destroy work queues and blocks is in place, you won't be able to completely destroy the stack because the API endpoint to destroy a workspace hasn't been made available. For now you'll need to go to the Prefect Cloud UI, click on the workspace terraform-workspace > workspace settings > (hamburger button on the top right) > delete.

Then manually remove the local terraform state files

rm -rf examples/.terraform
rm -rf examples/.terraform.lock.hcl
rm -rf examples/.terraform

Notes & Improvements:

  • This is far from complete.
  • There are no code tests in place at present (adding them will very likely lead to changes to make the code more robust).
  • The provider's implementation of blocks has been done generically. For a more granular infrastructure state control, consider changing the BlockDocument's data field to the target block type e.g: s3, kubernetes job. This would generate more work and duplication though.
  • The GO Prefect 2.0 API (prefect_api) should be moved out of the provider, into its own project.
  • Should authentication be handled with temporary tokens?


This project uses the following tools to build:

  • The Go programming language
  • GNU make to run the build and tests
  • gotestsum to generate test reports
  • golangci-lint for static code analysis
  • goreleaser to generate release binaries (optional for development)

On MacOS, you can use brew to install necessary dependencies:

brew install \
  go \
  gotestsum \
  golangci-lint \

After installing these dependencies, run make build to compile.

You can configure your local Terraform installation to use this provider, rather than downloading the provider from the Terraform Registry, by adding the following configuration to your ~/.terraformrc file (be sure to update the path as needed):

provider_installation {
  dev_overrides {
    "prefecthq/prefect" = "/Users/jawnsy/projects/work/terraform-provider-prefect/build"

  direct {}


make commands are configured to invoke unit and acceptance tests

make test

In order to run the suite of Acceptance tests:

make testacc

Note: Acceptance tests create real Prefect Cloud resources, and require a Prefect Cloud account when running locally

See Development Overrides for Provider Developers for details.

Build Documentation

This provider repository uses the tfplugindocs CLI utility to generate markdown documentation.

make docs

The tfplugindocs CLI will:

  1. Parse all Schema objects for the provider, datasources, and resources
  2. Create and populate .md files for each page of documentation for the objects mentioned in (1)
  3. Crawl and extract all named examples in examples/** + add those HCL configurations into the examples section of each .md