Welcome to Blogopedia, a dynamic and user-friendly blog application designed to foster creativity and engagement. This platform allows users to explore a variety of blog posts, leave comments, and interact with engaging content. Blogopedia prioritizes a seamless user experience with a responsive design and intuitive interface. While currently, only the admin can create, update, and delete blog posts, plans are underway to introduce these functionalities for all users, making it a truly collaborative blogging environment.
Access the live application here: Blogopedia
- User Authentication: Secure user registration and login system.
- Admin Privileges: Admin can create, edit, and delete blog posts.
- Post Management: Users can view posts, while logged-in users can leave comments.
- Responsive Design: Optimized for various devices using Bootstrap.
- Gravatar Integration: Automatically fetches user avatars for comments.
- Backend: Python (Flask Framework)
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Bootstrap for styling)
- Authentication: Flask-Login
- Rich Text Editor: Flask-CKEditor
- Hosting: Vercel
- Clone the repository:
cd Blogopedia
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up environment variables:
- FLASK_KEY: Your Flask app secret key.
- DB_URI: Your database URI for SQLAlchemy.
- Run the application:
python main.py
- Access the app locally at
- Register/Login: Create an account or log in to access user-specific features.
- Explore Posts: Browse through the blog posts listed on the homepage.
- Comment: Logged-in users can comment on blog posts.
- Admin Features: Admin (User ID = 1) can add, edit, and delete blog posts.
├── templates/ # HTML templates
├── static/ # Static files (CSS, JS, Images)
├── forms.py # Forms for authentication and posts
├── main.py # Main application file
├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
├── README.md # Project documentation
└── .env # Environment variables
- Limitations:
- Currently, only the admin can create, update, and delete blog posts.
- Future Plans:
- Add the ability for regular users to create, update, and delete their own posts.