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Lightweight, scalable, easy-to-deploy RSS feed service

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RSS Service

A lightweight, scalable RSS feed service built with Hono.js and Upstash Redis. This service allows you to create and manage RSS feeds programmatically through a simple REST API. It's designed to work seamlessly with the @curatedotfun/rss plugin in the ecosystem.

Quick Deploy

Deploy your own RSS service with one click:

Deploy on Railway

Deploy to Netlify


  • Multiple Feed Formats: Generate RSS 2.0, Atom, and JSON Feed formats
  • Standard-Compliant URLs: Access feeds via standard paths (/rss.xml, /atom.xml, /feed.json)
  • Raw Data Option: Get content without HTML via /raw.json for frontend customization
  • HTML Sanitization: Secure content handling with sanitize-html
  • Simple Authentication: API secret-based authentication for feed management
  • Configurable CORS: Cross-origin request support
  • Redis Storage: Efficient storage with Upstash Redis (production) or Redis mock (development)
  • Docker Support: Easy local development with Docker and Docker Compose

API Endpoints

Endpoint Method Description Authentication Response Format
/ GET Health check and redirect to preferred format No Redirect
/rss.xml GET Get feed as RSS 2.0 XML No application/rss+xml
/atom.xml GET Get feed as Atom XML No application/atom+xml
/feed.json GET Get feed as JSON Feed (with HTML content) No application/json
/raw.json GET Get feed as JSON Feed (without HTML content) No application/json
/api/items GET Get all items as JSON No application/json
/api/items?format=html GET Get all items with HTML preserved No application/json
/api/items POST Add an item to the feed Yes application/json


The RSS service uses a simple API secret for authentication. Protected endpoints (like POST operations) require the API secret in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer <your-api-secret>

Public endpoints (health check and feed retrieval) do not require authentication, making it easy for RSS readers to access your feed.

The API secret is configured through the API_SECRET environment variable and should be kept secure. This should match the secret used by services posting to the feed.

Environment Variables

Variable Description Required Default
API_SECRET Secret key for API authentication Yes -
UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL Upstash Redis REST URL Yes (for production, serverless) -
UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN Upstash Redis REST token Yes (for production, serverless) -
ALLOWED_ORIGINS Comma-separated list of allowed origins for CORS No *
PORT Port to run the server on No 4001
USE_REDIS_MOCK Set to 'true' to use Redis mock for local development No false
NODE_ENV Environment mode (development/production) No development

Feed Configuration

The RSS service can be configured using a feed-config.json file in the project root:

  "feed": {
    "title": "My RSS Feed",
    "description": "A feed of curated content",
    "siteUrl": "",
    "language": "en",
    "copyright": "© 2025",
    "favicon": "",
    "author": {
      "name": "Feed Author",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "link": ""
    "preferredFormat": "rss",
    "maxItems": 100
  "customization": {
    "categories": ["Technology", "News"],
    "image": ""


Local Development

For local development, you can use Docker or run directly:

Using Docker

docker compose up

The service will be available at http://localhost:4001

Without Docker

  1. Create a .env file (cp .env.example .env):
  1. Start the development server:
npm install
npm run dev


Railway (Recommended)

Click the "Deploy on Railway" button at the top of this README to:

  1. Create a new project from our template
  2. Set up all necessary infrastructure
  3. Configure the deployment settings

After deployment, you only need to:

  1. Set the API_SECRET environment variable in your Railway dashboard


  1. Click the "Deploy to Netlify" button above
  2. Add required environment variables:

Cloudflare Workers

For deployment to Cloudflare Workers:

  1. Install Wrangler: npm install -g wrangler

  2. Add secrets:

wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL
wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN
wrangler secret put API_SECRET
  1. Deploy: wrangler publish

Testing Your Feed

Access your feed at:

  • /rss.xml (RSS 2.0)
  • /atom.xml (Atom)
  • /feed.json (JSON Feed)
  • /raw.json (Raw JSON)

Add items using the API:

curl -X POST http://localhost:4001/api/items \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer your-api-secret" \
  -d '{"title":"Test Item","content":"<p>Test content</p>","link":""}'




Lightweight, scalable, easy-to-deploy RSS feed service






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