This project was built in order to finish my master degree in Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
Thesis: Secure software system for learning a foreign language via flashcards
Required Software:
- Oracle Database (I'm using Oracle Database 12c, if you do not know how to install it check here -
- Suitable IDE for Java-based Spring Boot application (I'm using Eclipse Mars.2 Release (4.5.2), if you do not know how to install it check here - with Spring Tools)
- Lombok library (I'm using Lombok v1.18.12, if you do not know how to install it follow the steps:
- Add the lombok's dependency
- Install lombok.jar from
- Go to
project > right click > Properties > Java Compiler > Annotation Processing > check Enable project specific settings
- Restart IDE
- In Help > About Eclips IDE you should be able to see Lombok v1.18.12 "Envious Ferret" is installed.
git clone
- Navigate to
and populate datasources' fields according to your database' settings. - Run the application -
learnspanish > right click > Run As > Spring Boot App
or use the hot keys -Alt+Shift+X, B
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080.