Quality of life overhauls - Hotfix 2
Re-added texture rotation support for bindless textures
Added kelvin option for coloring RayTracingObjects, this applies also to emissive raytracingobjects
Glass marked thin is now colored based off of scatterdist and surfacecolor
Removed "Range" property from MaterialMappings, as considering them all floats seems to work fine
Sky behind glass should now refract properly in ASVGF
Added "Color Bleed" slider to reduce the amount that bounced light gets affected by the surfaces color
Materials with a pdf of less than or equal to 0 are marked as invalid paths
Fixed IgnoreBackfacing toggle with hardware RT
Fixed IgnoreBackfacing for emissive triangle sampling
Added experiemental fade mode, needs to be turned on in GlobalDefines
StainedGlassShadows is now affected by BlendFactor, and ScatterDist
Individual submeshes can now be glass with Hardware RT
Added Stained Glass support for Hardware RT
Updated DiffTrans to actually respect distance traveled
Improved performance slightly
Added more passes to the indirect pass for cleaner denoised results
Significantly improved reflections
Fixed artifacts coming from semi-metallic surfaces
Adding metallic stopping weights to blur
Moved initialization for globalcolors and radcache from RayGen to ShadingShader
Improved ASVGF performance by removing jitter, instead I replaced the old offset step size factor(Old: [0,1,2,3,4,5]; New: [0,5,4,3,2,1]) (THANKS SNURF!)
Massively optimized the playmodesaving of materials when you change many materials(didnt realize how grossly slow the origional system was)
Slightly optimized mesh refitting accumulation step
UI(or User Experience):
Completely redid the RayTracingObject material parameter view
Added lines to some of the raytracingobject material parameters when you hover over them to show what other parameters can be combined with it(Turn off in truetrace settings -> Functionality Settings -> "show material helper lines")
Added outline to hovered over material parameters(Turn off in truetrace settings -> Functionality Settings -> "show material helper lines")
Added toggle to turn off sky transmittance affecting sun color in Functionality Settings
Added button to autofocus, left ctrl + middle mouse button in the play screen will autofocus DoF to the mouse
Changing DoF focus will reset accumulation
Added button to quick-select materials, middle mouse button by itself in the play screen will pull up whatever material/surface the mouse is over
Removed sun desaturation slider
DX11 will be forced on if DX12 is missing, and will force off the other toggles that rely on DX12
Removed TextureScrollChanged button
Added toggle to TrueTrace Settings -> Functionality Settings; When on, changing any materials parameters will reset accumulation
New shortcut entries for Screenshot and BVH Building, assign them in Edit -> Shortcuts in unity, they are named "TrueTraceScreenshot " and "TrueTraceBuildBVH"
Added FXAA
Fixed copied scenes not creating their own new TTSettings file
Added system ontop of the object que system to hopefully handle edgecases better(realized I havent tested this as thoroughly as I would like, so let me know of any errors!)
Fixed terrain albedo with bindless
Improved OIDN denoiser to respect TrueTrace texture tilings
Fixed long standing misspelling of "Emission", and changed all variables named "Emmissive" to "Emission"
Modified how the RadCache reacts to glass
Fixed auto start for dx11
Fixed ReSTIR breaking when dx12 doesnt exist at all
Default camera fly script will no longer point straight up on start in HDRP 2023+
Added new Debug Views in "GlobalDefines.cginc" - Material ID, Mesh ID, Triangle ID, Albedo, BVH view, Radiance Cache, GI lighting
Removed "Hierarchy Modifiers" and "MasterMaterialEditor" scripts
Improved normal maps by more accurately deducing the input maps format
Improved the sky
Fixed sharpen postprocess breaking when changing resolutions
Fixed dx11 bug
Replaced "Rotation Animation" and "Translation Animation" files with a single file
Fixed upscaling not working correctly
Hotfix 2:
Fixed turntable script breaking builds
Fixed ASVGF not working in DX11
Fixed DoF focusing
Added jitter/AA to panorama rendering