A iOS batching library for analytics events.
Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Batching'
The Batching library uses core data (sqlite) to store events. Each event should be NSCoding compliant.
To initialise the PPBatchManager
let batchManager = PPBatchManager(sizeStrategy: PPSizeBatchingStrategy(), timeStrategy: PPTimeBatchingStrategy(), dbName: "EventsDB")
You may customise the time and size strategies to suit your needs.
To add an event to the DB:
batchManager.addToBatch(event, timestamp: Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
flushes the events back to you using a delegate callback.
public func batchManagerShouldIngestBatch(_ manager: PPBatchManager, batch: [Any], completion: @escaping (Bool, Error?) -> Void) {
//Here you may de-serialize your events and then feed it to an analytics service of your choice
To force flush the events use: