I'm a developer from Paris, France.
2020 - I Start learning "how to be a great dev" at Epitech Paris (ending in 2025), I did an internship of 6 months as a Mobile-developer in a company named Paykrom (it was like Qonto).
2021 - I continue my mission for Paykrom working as a freelancer and studying.
2022 - I made an 2nd internship at XO7 working as Backend developer and made a lot of project increasing my managing skills.
2023 - I lived a year in South Korea. Increasing my knowledge at keymiung Univ. & starting the final project of Epitech with 6friends(spread on every continent), I Traveled through the country with my tent and a bike (+2000km).
2024 - I came back to france searching for jobs or activities to do. this voyage to S. Korea help me to find out what deserve sweat&blood.
2025 - I will graduade as Software engineering expert at Epitech Paris.
- Declarative:
In Progress
php phpmyadmin swagger threedotjs unity
Things to learn:
graddle precommit
gnubash insomnia
processingfoundation powershell radixui react selenium sfml sharp shieldsdotio virtualbox
To Learn:
- Docs latex - Devops travisci jenkins kubernetes
- Webapp: openvpn wireguard
miro jira slides
ovh azure scaleway vercel
ifttt zapier
rootme tryhackme
- JS framework: vuedotjs vite nextdotjs nuxtdotjs nestjs
- Library: trpc tailwindcss
- Test: jest vitest
- Application: kotlin swift
- Fonctionel: lua ocaml perl
- Application: ruby rubyonrails rust
- MultimediaLibray: webgl opengl qt
- Other: fastapi mui openssl sass solidity socketdotio stylelint subversion wireguard