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SC Notes 2020 07 12
- Location: Zoom
- When: Sunday July 12 2020 at 13:00 UTC
- Sawyer
- James Keenan
- Todd Rinaldo
- H.Merijn Brand
- Karl Williamson
- Paul Evans
- Nicolas R.
- Stuart Mackintosh
Validate leadership
Decide our governance process
Conclusions - what decisons need to be made so that we can move on
Next agenda
What do we as a team want to make happen?
what are our desired outcomes?
- Have confidence in the plan / leadership so we can progress
- Doesn't feel that this group has mandate
- We are sharing conflicting messages
- Confidence in Sawyer's leadership
- Decision on the 'how'
- Decision on getting Bleed re-opened
- Clarification on behalf of Dave
- Group consensus / knowing what the agreed positions are and who holds them
- who needs the debates on positions
- Issues with the mechanisms for discussion
- Would like more transparencies - community deserves to see what we are saying
- Can we share these minutes?
- No conflict - clear on objectives
- Plan as to who will do what
- List of paths of experimentation for v7
- Help others get involved and share the experience
- List the different options, enable discussion
- Who has what authority to make decisions
- How can a decision be made?
- Decide how we decide (governance) - it is nebulous
- Determine how we decide what to do if key players are unavailable to participate.
- Determine our values/goals for Perl 7
- Where do we want to see Perl in 5 years
How do we make decisions? How can we have mandate, governance
- Who else may assert
Ways of working on Perl 7
How do we mange distributions
Is /usr/bin/perl7 a fork
- A fork is when 2 groups go off and develop at the same time.
- It's a major version bump. The plan is to stop developing Perl 5
Conflict between stability and progress
- How?
What is our seccession (voluntary or by bus)
Can we make this meeting / outcomes public?
Consider Dave's points (Paul)
External stakeholders to engage with - how?
- Gather input for key Perl users
- Engage with significant developers, influencers
Can we rename the
repo togithub/perl
? If so when? (Nicolas) -
Clarify the communication tools and channels
Leader: 🥇Sawyer
Deputy: 🥈Todd Rinaldo (only an interim replacement)
Steering committee
- Design & implementation of the Perl programming language
This group is the authority and reponsible for:
- Being the custodian of the official Perl release
- Owner of the PERL pause account
- Owner of the Perl repo (to be renamed)
- Owner of metaconfig
- Responsible for security and maintenance releases.
- Design
- Development
- Decisions,
- Experiment, research
- Release
- Roadmap
- Perl core
- Being the custodian of the official Perl release
Out of scope
What is the process to add / remove members?
- Three supporters, no objections carried - as set up for Perl 4
- Remove members
- Request to exit
- Default expiry one year for inactivity
- Vote out
Purpose: Work out the 'how' together
- Design & technology authority
- Public support of the group and members
- Actively support the leadership
- Find effective ways to communicate with peers
- Understand the meeting etiquette
- Sawyer
- Paul Evans
- Todd Rinaldo
- H.Merijn Brand
- James E Keenan
- Karl Williamson
- Nicolas Rochelemagne
- Yves Orton
- Leon Timmermans
- Dave Mitchell
- Aaron Crane
- Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker
- Hugo van der Sanden
- Tony Cook
- Steve Hay
- Feature parity
- Bring language up to date
- Perl - the favorite language of everybody again
- Same as Tux
- Make the perl core test suite perl 7 compliant
- See 7.0.0 released
- define a plan
- Move the language forward
- Start making 8 awesome as 7.1.x
- Get Perl out of stagnation
- Make it easier to add the features as default
- Better documentation
- Make it the language I want to write in
- Get clarity in the short term
- Development process
- Make decisions around 7
- Get 7.0
- Get the energy to move forward
- Avoid getting stuck
See also Perceived Positions on Perl 7 where we are attempting to aggregate people's positions on the Plan for Perl 7.
- The proposal from Sawyer (the original proposal?) is the only option.
- No energy/time to make it happen, but very willing to help
- Not everything will break
- Tested with new Perl 7 candidates
- Differences not that much
- Most of CPAN will work, edge case isues
Supports Sawyer's vision
New code should be Perl 7 by default
Should not promise interop, but should provide a lot of interop
The people doing the work get to decide the how
Progress being made toward a version of Perl 7 with Nicolas
Would benefit from volunteer developers (who are subscribed to the vision)
Ideas to discuss around development processes
Inaccurate to characterise as a fork, it is a major version upgrade
/usr/bin/perl can point to v5 for several years
- A new major version should be allowed to break stuff.
- /usr/bin/perl7 (with new defaults) along side /usr/bin/perl5 seems sane and distros know how to handle multiple versions of the language.
- This is not the first time this has been done.
- Module::Compatibility will auto-inject use p5 into CPAN installed modules unless 'use v7' is seen.
Switch to V7 is good idea
Adding 'use v7' is welcome
Does not support breaking existing code or CPAN
- Users not warned about change
Perl 5 or Perl 7 - fork
- Divided the community
- not that I'm saying that this currently is a fork (I do not believe it is currently); but simply that if we aren't careful with how we manage things we may end up with a true fork; with different people maintaining 5 vs. pushing 7 forward.
- Divided the community
The issue is that all current code may fail
Further proposal
- Perl provides warnings to authors requesting that they 'use version' so it is not a breaking change
- PAUSE/CPAN should warn the author at upload time that they are missing 'use version'
Put out a v7 without the changes, add them to Perl 8
- Use warnings / strict should be default
- Issue is not 'if' but 'when'
- v7 should be back compat unless use v7 explicit
- Maybe have 1 year notice for the changes
- Either don't break, or give notice of breakage
Wants to see the changes to the defaults in v7
Hard to get Toolchain & language together
Address CPAN compatibility issues later
exchange with toolchain to find the best option
provide patches to upstream cpan distribution
if needed provide a fork of the distro p7-*
- This is not a fork, it is a new major version
- Perl 6 is a different case
- 'use version' is becoming the focus, it shouldn't
- There may be other ways
- The issue is the defaults
- We need to find better ways to work together
- Some positions are to make zero changes
- Over-sharing may be damaging
When: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 19:00:00 GMT Where: Zoom
Primary objectives
- How Perl 7
- Make a plan to open
- Plan next meeting objectives
Further agenda points
- James
- proposal for future release process
- How can this change in future, be more flexible
- James has created proposal document