- Hook Framework for Android.
- Inspired By Xposed, Riru, EdXposed and Whale.
- Made Specially for Android Pie.
Email: [email protected]
- Magisk: Systemless Usage
- Riru: Injection codes for zygote
- Xposed: The Xposed Native app_process codes
- XposedBridge: The Xposed Framework APIs
- Whale: Inline Hooking and Xposed Support for ART
- xHook: PLT hook library
- Android 5.0.0
- Android 5.1.1
- Android 6.0
- Android 6.0.1
- Android 7.1.2
- Android 8.1.0
- Android 9.0.0
- For devices with Android 7.x and lower, original Xposed is strongly recommended.
- Resources hooking is not supported yet
- May not be compatible with all ART devices
- Only a few Xposed modules has been tested for working
- File access services are not implemented yet, now simply use magiskpolicy to enable needed SELinux policies