Have you ever wanted to list all of the resources set up in your AWS account?
Have you gotten so frustrated that you just wanted to delete everything in your AWS account and start over?
Then AWS Powertools are for you!
The commands 'aws-list-all.sh' and 'aws-delete-all.sh' do what they say on the tin, at least for:
- AutoScaling groups
- AutoScaling Launch Configurations
- CloudFormation templates
- Cloudwatch alarms
- Configuration service entries
- DynamoDB tables
- EBS Volumes
- EC2 Instances
- Elasticache instances
- Elastic IPs
- Elastic Network Interfaces
- ELB load balancers
- ELB V2
- Kinesis streams
- Lambda functions
- RDS databases
- SQS queues
- VPC Gateways
- VPC NAT gateways
- VPC Security Groups
- VPC Subnets
- VPCs
There's a command for deleting S3 buckets, but it's commented out in the 'aws-delete-all.sh' script.
If the command 'aws-list-instances.sh -v -r us-east-2' works, then all of the scripts should work except for 'aws-delete-all.sh', since it uses GNU parallel to speed up the Apocalypse (not to be confused with the Alpacalypse, where the world is destroyed by an invasion of alpacas).
These files are bash scripts, using the AWS command line tool 'aws', the 'jq' command, and GNU Parallel.
$ aws-delete-all.sh
Usage: aws-delete-all.sh [-p profile] [-r region] [-c confirmstring] [-v]
__ ___ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ _
\ \ / / \ | _ \| \ | |_ _| \ | |/ ___| |
\ \ /\ / / _ \ | |_) | \| || || \| | | _| |
\ V V / ___ \| _ <| |\ || || |\ | |_| |_|
\_/\_/_/ \_\_| \_\_| \_|___|_| \_|\____(_)
This command will **DELETE** all[1] resources in the specified
region of the given AWS account.
[1]: Here, 'all' means:
* Autoscaling groups
* Instances
* Launch configurations
* ELB load balancers
* ELBv2/ALB load balancers
* Elastic Network Interfaces
* Virtual Private Clusters (VPC)
* Subnets
* Security groups
* Gateways
* CloudFormation templates and everything they created
* ConfigService
* DynamoDB Tables
* EBS Volumes
* Elastic IPs
* ElastiCache
* Kinesis Streams
* Lambda Functions
* RDS Databases
* SQS Queues
It does not delete S3 objects or buckets. To do that, run 'aws-list-s3.sh | xargs -n 1 aws-delete-s3-bucket.sh' separately.
-p profile: specify the profile for authentication and region selection (see /home/chowes/.aws/config)
-r region: specify the region, eg. us-west-2. The default region comes from the profile.
-v: run in verbose mode
-c confirmstring: confirm you actually want to delete everything.
Run this to confirm:
aws-delete-all.sh -c 2019-04-25-01:20
Installing jq, GNU parallel, and the AWS CLI:
$ sudo yum install -y awscli jq parallel
$ aws-list-instances.sh -r us-east-2 -v
# aws --region us-east-2 ec2 describe-instances
InstanceId Name KeyName PublicIpAddress PrivateIpAddress LaunchTime InstanceType State
i-003a865dcfa45cf64 "Sample Instance" ssh-keypair 2019-04-23T19:42:34 t2.micro running
- Charles Howes - Initial work