This project is a Spotify-inspired web player that showcases a responsive user interface designed to provide a music streaming experience. It replicates key features like side navigation, trending playlists, and a sticky navbar, with a modern and minimalistic design.
- Responsive Design: Supports various screen sizes with flexible layouts.
- Interactive Sidebar Menu: Includes Home, Search, and Your Library options with icons.
- Recently Played and Trending Sections: Displays popular music cards with images and descriptions.
- Sticky Navigation: Keeps the navigation bar fixed at the top while scrolling for easy access.
- Music Play Area: Space for a future playbar at the bottom.
- HTML: Structuring the webpage layout.
- CSS: Styling the components, animations, and responsive design.
- FontAwesome: Adding icons to the navigation and controls.
- Google Fonts (Montserrat): Used for typography.
: The main HTML
: Contains all the custom styles for the UI./assets/
: Directory holding images and icons used in the project (e.g., logos, card images).
You can check out the live demo of the project here: Live Demo