Due to obsidian's policy of not being able to use online or local vault images.The option for related built-in online images has been removed, but custom settings are retained. Please set the URL for displaying background images by yourself.
注意!由于 obsidian 的政策,不能使用在线或本地库里的图片,相关内置在线图片的选项已经删除,但保留自定义设置,需要显示背景图片请自行设置url。
You will find a Blue Topaz example vault (the TIPS vault) here. The TIPS vault shows some theme-specific and novel usages which may help you polish or customize your notes.
And I still recommend you the enhanced edition (https://github.com/cumany/Blue-topaz-examples) created by @cumany, if you are not satisfied with the TIPS vault.
If you want to distribute the whole or parts of the above codes, please copy & paste the following sentences in your CSS file(s) and README.md:
Partial style(s) is(are) sourced or adapted from Blue Topaz (https://github.com/PKM-er/Blue-Topaz_Obsidian-css), and I would like to express my appreciation to WhyI (https://github.com/whyt-byte) and pkmer.cn (https://pkmer.cn).
感谢@cumany 制作的升级版示例库 https://github.com/cumany/Blue-topaz-examples
如果有问题、建议或者想实现的需求,请加入 Topaz 社区Topaz QQ 群 Obsidian 频道
目前我们新建了一个开源的知识管理社区欢迎加入,点击链接加入群聊 PKMer 知识管理交流群
(视频作者:@代号 7)
It will provide you with a random image when you toggle the option:
You can set the same image as your workplace background when you have activated the workplace background.
强烈建议安装 Style Settings 插件,用来自定义你的 Blue Topaz
It is highly recommended to install the style settings plugin to customize your Blue Topaz theme
中文:霞鹜文楷,免费开源,下载地址:https://github.com/lxgw/LxgwWenKai 觉得喜欢的话,也请给这个项目星星。加粗字体请使用霞鹜文楷屏幕版(因为霞鹜文楷的加粗不是很明显)https://github.com/lxgw/LxgwWenKai-Screen
如果觉得主题很棒,可以支持一下,谢谢! 关注 pkmer.cn

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I appreciate the help and support from @boninall @成雙醬 @Cuman @Klaas @lillian-who @shaggyfeng @Thinkbond @, and other cool guys who love Blue Topaz!