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github-actions[bot] edited this page Sep 15, 2024 · 410 revisions

Report generated at 2024-09-15T11:36:53Z via GitHub Actions (10870400826).


Package Version
Platform Linux-6.5.0-1025-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
Python 3.10.15 (main, Sep 9 2024, 03:02:45) [GCC 11.4.0]
onnx 1.16.1
onnx2tf 1.25.12 (987b838)
tensorflow 2.17.0


Value Count
Total 89
✔️ Passed 89
⚠️ Limitation 0
❌ Failed 0
➖ Skipped 0


1. models

Status Model IR Opset ONNX Checker onnx2tf Converted
✔️ 1. CNN_AUTOENCODER 9 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 2. age_googlenet 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 3. arcfaceresnet100-8 8 8 🆗 🆗
✔️ 4. baseline_simplified 8 13 🆗 🆗
✔️ 5. big_slice_11 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 6. caffenet-12 8 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 7. convnext-det 7 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 8. convtranspose_3_1_5_2 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 9. convtranspose_4_5_2_2 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 10. convtranspose_5_5_6_1 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 11. convtranspose_6_5_5_8 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 12. convtranspose_7_1_3_4 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 13. crnn_lite_lstm 9 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 14. damoyolo_tinynasL20_T_192x192_post 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 15. deeplabv3_mobilenet_v3_large 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 16. densenet-12 8 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 17. depth_to_spase_17 8 17 🆗 🆗
✔️ 18. detr_demo 8 10 🆗 🆗
✔️ 19. digits 8 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 20. efficientdet_lite2_detection_1 8 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 21. efficientformer_l1 8 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 22. efficientnet-lite4-11_nchw 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 23. effnet_opset11_dynamic_axis 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 24. emotion-ferplus-8_rename 8 8 🆗 🆗
✔️ 25. face_detection_yunet_2022mar 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 26. face_landmarks_detector_facemeshv2_1x3x256x256 9 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 27. face_recognition_sface_2021dec-act_int8-wt_int8-quantized 8 11 ValidationError: No Op registered for QLinearMul with domain_version of 11 🆗
✔️ 28. face_recognition_sface_2021dec 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 29. faster_rcnn-10 8 10 🆗 🆗
✔️ 30. fastestdet 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 31. fused_conv_clip 8 16 🆗 🆗
✔️ 32. fused_conv_hardsigmoid 8 16 🆗 🆗
✔️ 33. fused_conv_leakyrelu 8 16 🆗 🆗
✔️ 34. fused_conv_relu 8 16 🆗 🆗
✔️ 35. fused_conv_sigmoid 8 16 🆗 🆗
✔️ 36. fused_conv_tanh 8 16 🆗 🆗
✔️ 37. gender_googlenet 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 38. handpose_estimation_mediapipe_2022may 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 39. htnet_1x17x2_without_norm 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 40. iat_llie_180x320 8 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 41. if_p1_11 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 42. if_p2_11 6 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 43. if_p3_11 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 44. imageclassifier 8 10 🆗 🆗
✔️ 45. inception-v2-9 8 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 46. inverse11 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 47. keras_rnn 9 7 🆗 🆗
✔️ 48. litetrack 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 49. mhformer_NxFxKxXY_1x27x17x2 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 50. mnist-12 7 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 51. mnist 8 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 52. mobilenetv2-12 8 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 53. mobilenetv2_1dot0_duke_1x3x256x128 9 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 54. mosaic-9 8 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 55. mosaic_11 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 56. movenet_multipose_lightning_192x256_p6 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 57. nanodet-plus-m_416 8 10 🆗 🆗
✔️ 58. object_tracking_dasiamrpn_kernel_cls1_2021nov 8 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 59. object_tracking_dasiamrpn_kernel_r1_2021nov 8 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 60. object_tracking_dasiamrpn_model_2021nov 8 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 61. paddlepaddle_26_ocr 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 62. padsConv 8 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 63. pidnet_S_cityscapes_192x320 6 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 64. ppmattingv2_stdc1_human_480x640 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 65. prelu_pattern 9 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 66. qlinear_conv_tensor_test 8 13 🆗 🆗
✔️ 67. regnet_x_400mf 8 14 🆗 🆗
✔️ 68. resnet18-v1-7 8 8 🆗 🆗
✔️ 69. resnet50-v1-12 8 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 70. resnet50-v2-7 4 7 🆗 🆗
✔️ 71. scatternd_pattern 9 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 72. sinet_320_op 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 73. squeezenet1.0-12 7 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 74. super-resolution-10 8 10 🆗 🆗
✔️ 75. superpoint 9 16 🆗 🆗
✔️ 76. swinir-m_64x64_12 7 12 🆗 🆗
✔️ 77. text_recognition_CRNN_EN_2021sep 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 78. text_recognition_CRNN_EN_2023feb_fp16 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 79. tinyyolov2-8 8 8 🆗 🆗
✔️ 80. version-RFB-640 8 9 🆗 🆗
✔️ 81. yolact_edge_mobilenetv2_550x550 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 82. yolact_regnetx_600mf_d2s_31classes_512x512 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 83. yolact_regnetx_800mf_20classes_512x512 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 84. yolo_free_nano_crowdhuman_192x320_post 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 85. yolov7_tiny_head_0.768_post_480x640 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 86. yolox_nano_192x192 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 87. yolox_nano_416x416 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 88. yolox_s 8 11 🆗 🆗
✔️ 89. zero_dce_640_dele 8 9 🆗 🆗
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