👋 Welcome to the lab! We're going to get hands-on with setting up a Kubernetes cluster for observability with OpenTelemetry!
- A ServiceNow Cloud Observability account.
- A DigitalOcean Access Token. You can create one in the API & Security section of your DigitalOcean account.
- A GitHub account.
Your instructor will provide you with a Cloud Observability Account and DigitalOcean token for this lab.
This lab is designed to teach you the fundamentals of collecting metrics, logs, and traces from a Kubernetes environment along with how to instrument applications using OpenTelemetry automatic instrumentation on Kubernetes.
This lab is designed to be run entirely in your web browser. You'll use GitHub Codespaces to access an IDE and terminal that will be required to complete the lab.
- Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
- In your fork, create a new Codespace.
- Click the 'Code' button in the top right of the repository.
- Click the 'Codespaces' tab.
- Click 'Create Codespace on main'.
This lab contains automation to provision a ServiceNow Cloud Observability user account and project in a pre-existing organization. To set up your environment, you will need several API keys that will be provided to you during the lab - your instructor will give you a URL where they can be found.
- Go to the provided URL and copy the contents of the GitHub gist.
- Copy and paste this content into your Codespace terminal.
- In the terminal, run
and follow the on-screen instructions. - Next run
and follow the on-screen instructions.
Let's start by setting up a fresh Kubernetes cluster. This lab uses DigitalOcean's managed Kubernetes service, but the same concepts apply to any K8S cluster -- on AWS, GCP, or Azure there's some extra work to be done around identity management and storage that's out of scope for this lab.
make init
thenmake apply
to create the cluster. You should see something like this after it completes successfully:digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.cluster: Creation complete after 4m12s [id=a15869de-4795-45cd-b859-2e8d37744099] local_file.kubeconfig: Creating... local_file.kubeconfig: Creation complete after 0s [id=856bb072a6a1affb625ac499afd080968c7d78fc] Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. Outputs: k8s_cluster_name = "k23-premium-mammal"
export K8S_CLUSTER_NAME=<value>
, where<value>
is the value of thek8s_cluster_name
output variable in step 7.
You now have a running, 3-node Kubernetes cluster. You can run kubectl get nodes
to validate that the cluster is operational. Now, you need to install
several pre-requisites.
In the terminal, run the following command to add necessary Helm repositories:
helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io helm repo add open-telemetry https://open-telemetry.github.io/opentelemetry-helm-charts helm repo add prometheus https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts helm repo add lightstep https://lightstep.github.io/otel-collector-charts helm repo update
Run the following command to install
:helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --version v1.8.0 --set installCRDs=true
Run the following command to install
:helm install opentelemetry-operator open-telemetry/opentelemetry-operator -n default --version 0.27.0
Verify the installation of these components by running
helm list -A
. You should see output similar to the following:NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION cert-manager cert-manager 1 2023-04-26 16:30:31.994524008 +0000 UTC deployed cert-manager-v1.8.0 v1.8.0 opentelemetry-operator default 1 2023-04-26 16:30:59.478981048 +0000 UTC deployed opentelemetry-operator-0.27.0 0.75.0
Next, you need to install and configure Kubernetes monitoring via the
OpenTelemetry Operator. You can use the kube-otel-stack
Helm chart to install
monitoring with sensible defaults, including -
- Installation of kube-state-metrics to generate metrics about the state of Kubernetes objects.
- Configuration of target allocators to allow for automatic scraping of component metrics endpoints.
- Deployment of OpenTelemetry collectors for metrics and tracing collection.
Create a secret for your Cloud Observability Access Token:
kubectl create secret generic otel-collector-secret -n default --from-literal="LS_TOKEN=$LIGHTSTEP_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Install the
Helm chart:helm install kube-otel-stack lightstep/kube-otel-stack -n default --set metricsCollector.clusterName=$K8S_CLUSTER_NAME --set tracesCollector.clusterName=$K8S_CLUSTER_NAME --set tracesCollector.enabled=true
Verify the installation of this component by running
helm list -A
. The output should look similar to the following:NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION cert-manager cert-manager 1 2023-04-26 16:30:31.994524008 +0000 UTC deployed cert-manager-v1.8.0 v1.8.0 kube-otel-stack default 1 2023-04-26 16:41:07.716305177 +0000 UTC deployed kube-otel-stack-0.2.11 0.73.0 opentelemetry-operator default 1 2023-04-26 16:30:59.478981048 +0000 UTC deployed opentelemetry-operator-0.27.0 0.75.0
Log scraping is not currently available in the kube-otel-stack
, so we will need to
deploy it independently. A log-collector.yaml
file has been provided to aid in
- Run
kubectl apply -f k8s/log-collector.yaml
Finally, you'll need to deploy a demo application in order to have something to monitor. The OpenTelemetry Demo application is an e-commerce application fully instrumented with OpenTelemetry.
To deploy the OpenTelemetry Demo application, run the following:
helm install otel-demo -f k8s/demo-values.yaml open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo
Your cluster and application is now instrumented for observability!
Now that you have an application, you can use Cloud Observability to create dashboards for that application in order to monitor its SLIs and SLOs.
- Run
make dashboard
to create a service dashboard, then navigate to the dashboards tab in Cloud Observability to view it.
The OpenTelemetry operator supports automatic injection of instrumentation via its Instrumentation Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs).
Deploy the
by running the following command:kubectl apply -f k8s/business-metrics.yaml`
You can find the source code for this service at this link
Note how this service does not have a dependency on the OpenTelemetry SDK, but does make calls to the OpenTelemetry API. To enable this instrumentation, and connect this service with our existing instrumentation, we need to inject the OpenTelemetry Java Agent.
Create an Instrumentation CRD by running:
kubectl apply -f k8s/instrumentation.yaml
Modify the
file as follows:template: metadata: labels: app: business-metrics-service annotations: instrumentation.opentelemetry.io/inject-java: "true"
Apply your configuration changes with:
kubectl apply -f k8s/business-metrics.yaml
The operator will now inject instrumentation into the pod created by this deployment, lighting up the OpenTelemetry instrumentation and adding in automatic instrumentation for Kafka.
After you've completed the lab, please run ./scripts/deprovision_ls.sh
make destroy
to clean up the resources that you created. Quit your Codespace
by opening the command prompt and selecting 'Close Codespace'.