LearnZhongwen.org is a personal project for learning Django and Chinese. The website features a blog and a flashcard system with spaced repetition (in progress) to help with Chinese vocabulary acquisition.
- Blog: A place to publish progress, insights, and resources related to learning Chinese.
- Flashcard System (In Progress): Implements a spaced repetition algorithm (FSRS) to help reinforce vocabulary retention.
- Backend: Django
- Task Queue: Celery
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Spaced Repetition: FSRS for efficient flashcard scheduling
- Project: Based on nickjj/docker-django-example
- HSK Vocabulary: Uses data from complete-hsk-vocabulary
To set up the project locally:
- Docker & Docker Compose
docker-compose up --build
This is a personal project, but feel free to open issues or suggest improvements.
This project is under the MIT License.