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Update ridership transform to add more logging and reverse the algori…
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Heidebritta committed Jan 16, 2019
1 parent ca5d97f commit 59bde04
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 4 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.List;
@@ -155,6 +157,8 @@ public void run(TransformContext context, GtfsMutableRelationalDao dao) {
ridershipMap.put(ridership.getTripId(), riderships);


_log.error("Number of trips in ridership data {}", ridershipMap.size());
@@ -183,9 +187,86 @@ public void run(TransformContext context, GtfsMutableRelationalDao dao) {

_log.error("Number of trips in GTFS: {}", daoTrips.size());

//used for metrics, each ridership trip_id that is added to dao ridership.txt
Set<String> ridershipIds = new HashSet<String>();

//Try to find trips that match by comparing the stops on that trip. We will get a lot of matches as identical trips run
//on the same route each day
for (HashMap.Entry<AgencyAndId, TreeMap<Integer, String>> trip : daoTrips.entrySet()) {
for (HashMap.Entry<String, TreeMap<Integer, String>> trip : ridershipTrips.entrySet()) {
TreeMap<Integer, String> ridershipStops = trip.getValue();
//for each ridership trip, we now have a tree list of the stops on that trip. Compare to each dao trip
List<String> ridershipStopList = new ArrayList<>(ridershipStops.values());
for (HashMap.Entry<AgencyAndId, TreeMap<Integer, String>> daoTrip : daoTrips.entrySet()) {
//daoStops is a treemap of stops on that trip, stop sequence: stop id
TreeMap<Integer, String> daoStopsTree = daoTrip.getValue();
//daoStopList is the stop ids on that trip in order, from the sequences being in order
List<String> daoStopList = new ArrayList<>(daoStopsTree.values());
boolean equal = ridershipStopList.equals(daoStopList);
//The trips are 'equal' in that they have the same stops, narrow it down by time

//the Access trip id is: trip.getKey(), the GTFS trip id is: daoTrip.getKey().getId
if (equal) {
//get the first stop time for the trip
Trip GTFStrip = dao.getTripForId(daoTrip.getKey());
StopTime firstStopTime = dao.getStopTimesForTrip(GTFStrip).get(0);
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss");

String GTFStime = StopTimeFieldMappingFactory.getSecondsAsString(firstStopTime.getArrivalTime());
//a lot of stop times are 'invalid' hours of 24, 25, 26. For 24 hour clock, hour s/b 0-23
GTFStime = ConvertToValidHours(GTFStime);
LocalTime GTFSArrival = LocalTime.parse(GTFStime, dtf);

//We have the stop sequence and the stop id. From the stop id, get the stop time
Entry<Integer, String> riderStop = ridershipStops.firstEntry();
String firstStopId = riderStop.getValue();
LocalTime passTime = null;

//get the stop time for the first stop on this trip
ArrayList<RidershipData> ridershipData = ridershipMap.get(trip.getKey());
for (RidershipData rd : ridershipData) {
if (rd.getStopId() == firstStopId) {
passTime = rd.getPassingTime();
long minutesDifference = 15;

if (passTime != null) {
minutesDifference = Duration.between(GTFSArrival, passTime).toMinutes();
if (minutesDifference < 4 && minutesDifference > -4) {
//_log.error("GTFS trip {}, time {}, Ridership trip {}, time {}, diff: {} ", trip.getKey().getId(), GTFSArrival, ridershipStops.getKey(),passTime, minutesDifference);

//we have HashMap<String, ArrayList<RidershipData>> ridershipMap = new HashMap<>();
// and we need to set all of the ridershipData ids to the GTFS id, from the ridership id

ArrayList<RidershipData> rsList = ridershipMap.get(trip.getKey());
//this is the list of data where the Trip ids are all the same, and each entry is a stop
//so, update the Trip id to go from Ridership_id to Trip_id
for (RidershipData rs : rsList) {

//get trips added ids
//if its already been added, compare differences and use lowest?
saveRidership(dao, rs);
//Do we need to handle when two ridership stops match to one GTFS? Compare and take the one that is less?
//or what about the same ridership matching to multiple GTFS stops

//the algorithm above takes each ridership trip and tries to find a GTFS trip to match it to. The algorithm below
//takes each GTFS trip and tries to find a ridership trip to match it to. The numbers of matched trips is the same either way.

//Try to find trips that match by comparing the stops on that trip. We will get a lot of matches as identical trips run
//on the same route each day
/* for (HashMap.Entry<AgencyAndId, TreeMap<Integer, String>> trip : daoTrips.entrySet()) {
TreeMap<Integer, String> daoStops = (TreeMap<Integer, String>) trip.getValue();
//for each dao trip, we now have a tree list of the stops on that trip. Compare to each trip from ridership data
List<String> daoStopList = new ArrayList<>(daoStops.values());
@@ -243,21 +324,34 @@ public void run(TransformContext context, GtfsMutableRelationalDao dao) {
saveRidership(dao, rs);
//Do we need to handle when two ridership stops match to one GTFS? Compare and take the one that is less?
//or what about the same ridership matching to multiple GTFS stops
//TODO: what about the times? I am checking that A LOT and its inefficient


List<Ridership> riderships2 = new ArrayList<>(dao.getAllRiderships());
_log.error("Ridership size: {}", dao.getAllRiderships().size());
_log.error("Ridership size: {}", riderships2.size());

int in = 0;
int out = 0;

//iterate over list of ridership data. For each ridershipData, is it in ridership.txt?
for (String ridership_trip_id : ridershipMap.keySet()) {
if (ridershipIds.contains(ridership_trip_id)) {
else {
_log.error("Trips ids in ridership.txt: {}, trip ids abandoned: {}", in, out);


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