AWQMSdata was created to load data from Oregon DEQ AWQMS into R. This is intended for internal Oregon DEQ users. Public users should use the AWQMS frontend located here.
There is a Shiny App that can be used to help put together the data retrieval function. You can clone or download that app here.
Note that this package is currently a work in progress. It is being developed by Travis Pritchard- [email protected]
You need an ODBC connection to the AWQMS database named AWQMS, and read access to VW_AWQMS_Results. You will also need an ODBC connection to the Stations databse named STATIONS
- Staff will need to send a request to helpdesk to be added to the LabDBAWQMSODBC and the LABDBSTATIONUSER User Groups on the LEAD-LIMS server.
- Add an ODBC connection to AWQMS on server named AWQMS.
- Add an ODBC connection to the stations database named STATIONS.
- Email Travis Pritchard for help setting up ODBC connections.
You also need to have the devtools package installed.
To install AWQMSdata:
Note - The install process only needs to be run once (or when the package gets updated)
AWQMSdata is now installed on your computer and can be loaded like any other package.
This package contains the following functions:
- AWQMS_Chars(project, station) - Returns characteristics available for downloading from AWQMS
- AWQMS_Projects() - Returns projects available for downloading from AWQMS
- AWQMS_Orgs(project, station) - Returns organizations with data available for downloading from AWQMS
- AWQMS_Stations(project, char, HUC8, HUC8_Name, org, crit_codes) - Returns information about monitoring locations
- AWQMS_Data(startdate, enddate, station, project, char, stat_base, HUC8, HUC8_Name, HUC10, HUC12, HUC12_Name media, org, HUC8, crit_codes, filterQC) - Returns data from AWQMS
- AWQMS_Data_Cont(startdate, enddate, station, AU_ID, char, media, org HUC8, HUC8_Name, HUC10, HUC12, HUC12_Name, Result_Status, crit_codes) - Returns raw continuous data from AWQMS
- query_stations(stations_odbc, mlocs, huc8_name, huc10_name, huc12_name, huc8, huc10, huc12, au_id, gnis_name, reachcode, owrd_basin, state ) - Retrieve station information from ODEQ's Stations database based on a set of query paramaters.
- Mlocs_crit(mlocs, stations_odbc) - Returns criteria codes and site speific criteria
Function Name | Arguments | Description |
AWQMS_Data |
startdate enddate station AU_ID project char stat_base media submedia org HUC8 HUC8_Name HUC10 HUC12 HUC12_Name crit_codes filterQC |
Retrieve a dataframe of data exported from AWQMS. If crit_codes = TRUE, it will bring in standard criteria codes also |
AWQMS_Data_Cont |
startdate enddate station AU_ID char media org HUC8 HUC8_Name HUC10 HUC12 HUC12_Name Result_Status crit_codes |
Retrieve a dataframe of raw continious data exported from AWQMS. If crit_codes = TRUE, it will bring in standard criteria codes also |
AWQMS_Chars |
project station |
Return a dataframe of available characteristics |
AWQMS_Orgs |
project station |
Return a dataframe of available organizations |
AWQMS_Projects |
- | Return a dataframe of available projects |
AWQMS_Stations |
project char HUC8 HUC8_Name org crit_codes |
Return a dataframe of available stations. If crit_codes = TRUE, it will bring in standard criteria codes also |
query_stations |
stations_odbc mlocs huc8_name huc10_name huc12_name huc8 huc10 huc10 huc12 au_id gnis_name reachcode owrd_basin state |
Retrieve station information from ODEQ's Stations database based on a set of query paramaters. |
Mlocs_crit |
mlocs stations_odbc |
Return a dataframe of stations combined with site spefic standard codes |
Table Name | Fields | Description |
Bacteria_crit |
BacteriaCode Bacteria_SS_Crit Bacteria_Geomean_Crit Bacteria_Percentage_Crit |
OBSOLETE Bacteria Criteria table. Join by BacteriaCode |
Chla_crit |
MonLocType Chla_Criteria |
Chlorophyll a criteria table. Join by MonLocType |
DO_crit |
DO_code DO_30D_crit DO_7Mi_crit DO_abs_min_crit DO_Instant_crit |
Dissolved Oxygen Criteria Table. Join by DO_code |
pH_crit |
pH_code pH_Min pH_Max |
pH criteria table. Join by pH_code |
Temp_crit |
FishCode Temp_Criteria Comment |
Temperature Criteria outside of spawning time periods. Spawning criteria = 13.0. Join by FishCode |
ToxAL_crit |
Pollu_ID Pollutant Acute_FW Chronic_FW Acute_SW Chronic_SW Fraction |
Aquatic life toxics criteria. Currently a tricky one to join due to differences in parameter names Need to join by Pollu_ID |
ToxHH_crit |
Pollu_ID Pollutant WaterOrganism Organism Organism_SW Fraction |
Human health toxics criteria. Currently a tricky one to join due to differences in parameter names. Need to join by Pollu_ID |
LU_BacteriaCode |
Bacteria_class Bacteria_code |
Lookup table to connect numeric bacteria code to bacteria class. Join by Bacteria_code |
LU_DOCode |
DO_Class DO_code |
Lookup table to connect numeric DO code to DO classification. Join by DO_code |
LU_FishUse |
FishUse FishUse_code |
Lookup table to connect numeric Fish use code to fish use designations |
LU_Spawn |
SpawnCode Spawn_dates SpawnStart SpawnEnd |
Lookup table to obtain spawning dates from spawn code. Join by SpawnCode or DO_Spawncode |
Bact_crit |
BacteriaCode SS_Crit Geomean_Crit Perc_Crit |
OBSOLETE Bacteria Criteria table. Join by BacteriaCode |
Use AWQMS_Data()
to retrieve data from Oregon DEQ AWQMS database. This dataset is too large to load into R, so you must include parameters to filter down the data. The default start date is 1949-09-15, which represents the earliest datapoint available in AWQMS.
Note - There is a shiny app to help put together this function. The app helps by allowing you to select from lists of valid values. You can clone or download the app here and run locally on your machine.
To retrieve all available data from 1/1/2017 - 12/31/2017:
data <- AWQMS_Data(startdate = '2017-01-01', enddate = '2017-12-31')
To retrieve all available data from 1/1/2017 - 12/31/2017 generated by Oregon DEQ
data <- AWQMS_Data(startdate = '2017-01-01', enddate = '2017-12-31', org = c('OREGONDEQ') )
To retrieve water temperature and dissolved oxygen data from 1/1/2017 - 12/31/2017 generated by Oregon DEQ:
data <- AWQMS_Data(startdate = '2017-01-01', enddate = '2017-12-31', char = c('Temperature, water', 'Dissolved oxygen (DO)') , org = c('OREGONDEQ') )
defaults to removing QC data. Leaving filterQC = TRUE
will remove data for site '10000-ORDEQ' and with activity_type that contains 'Quality Control'. To include the QC data:
data <- AWQMS_Data(startdate = '2017-01-01', enddate = '2017-12-31', char = c('Temperature, water', 'Dissolved oxygen (DO)') , org = c('OREGONDEQ') , filterQC = FALSE)
Use AWQMS_Chars()
to return available characteristics from AWQMS. Arguments can be project or station
To return all available characteristics in AWQMS:
characteristics <- AWQMS_Chars()
To return all available characteristics in the VolMon program:
characteristics <- AWQMS_Chars(project = 'ODEQVolMonWQProgram')
To return all available characteristics for Volmon and Continuous Water Quality Monitoring:
characteristics <- AWQMS_Chars(project = c('ODEQVolMonWQProgram', 'Continuous Water Quality Monitoring'))
Use AWQMS_Projects()
to return all available projects from AWQMS. This function will include projects found in the Project1, Project2, and Project3 fields. This function doesn't take any arguments.
projects <- AWQMS_Projects()
A vector of projects can be then created.
projects_vector <- projects$Project
Use AWQMS_Stations()
to return available stations from AWQMS. This function's arguments can include any or all of vectors of project, characteristics, HUC8, HUC8 name, or organization.
To see all available stations:
stations <- AWQMS_Stations()
To see stations that are associated with Oregon DEQ:
stations <- AWQMS_Stations(org = 'OREGONDEQ')
To see stations with water temperature and dissolved oxygen data:
stations <- AWQMS_Stations(char = c('Temperature, water', 'Dissolved oxygen (DO)'))
To see stations with water temperature and dissolved oxygen data in the Middle Fork John Day:
stations <- AWQMS_Stations(char = c('Temperature, water', 'Dissolved oxygen (DO)'), HUC8 = '17070203')
For all the functions in this package, the arguments can be a single parameter or a vector of parameters. For example, to see stations with water temperature and dissolved oxygen data in the Middle Fork John Day, and the Lower John Day :
stations <- AWQMS_Stations(char = c('Temperature, water', 'Dissolved oxygen (DO)'), HUC8 = c('17070203', '17070204'))
Use AWQMS_Orgs()
to return available organizations from AWQMS. This function's arguments can include vectors of project or stations.
To return all available organizations in AWQMS:
organizations <- AWQMS_Orgs()
To return all available organizations that have water temperature and dissolved oxygen data for the Middle and Lower John Day:
> stations <- AWQMS_Stations(char = c('Temperature, water', 'Dissolved oxygen (DO)'), HUC8_Name = c('Middle Fork John Day', 'Lower John Day'))
> stations_vector <- stations$MLocID
> organizations <- AWQMS_Orgs(station = stations_vector)
Use query_stations()
to return station information from the Stations Database. This differs from AWQMS_Stations() in that it directly queries the stations database, as opposed to going through AWQMS.
# Retrieve information from all stations in the North Coast Admin Basin
stations <- query_stations(owrd_basin = 'North Coast')