This is a battery alert application that notifies the user when the battery percentage reaches a certain threshold. It is built with Python using the psutil and plyer libraries and the PyQt5 library for the graphical user interface. The application runs in the system tray and allows users to configure the battery threshold and notification duration.
- Download the setup file.
- install the application.
- Maybe you can put it in the startup folder to strat it when the device turn on. (If you don't know how to set it, check here)
The Battery Alert application runs in the system tray and can be accessed by clicking on the application icon. The application allows users to configure the battery threshold and notification duration. It will send notification when the battery is lower than the threshold and the device is full of charge.
Configuring Settings To configure the settings, click on the settings icon in the application window. This will open a dialog where you can set the battery threshold and notification duration.
To start the alert, click on the start button in the application window. The start button will change to a stop button when the alert is running.
To stop the alert, click on the stop button.
To exit the application, click on the Quit option in the system tray menu or click on the End Program button in the application window.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.